Chapter 51 - A practise match

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Only a week had passed since Tamiko made her rounds to all the different schools in the prefecture. The trees were still bare when the team members of Shiratorizawa prepared for the arrival of the other teams. Today was the first day of training camp and somehow the boys were more excited than she was. For the third years it was another chance to play against the other teams again and not only once, but multiple times. However, no matter how excited they were there were still a few things Tamiko wanted to go right.

"If I hear anyone interrupt me during my welcome speech, Toshi-kun will flick you," she threatened after explaining the daily routines to them. "I'm looking at you, Tendou."

"What, me?" he gasped pointing at himself. "As if I would do such a thing."

Tamiko wasn't the only one to give the middle blocker a glance of disbelief. They all knew what he was capable of.

"You can't top the best friend privilege with the manager privilege. You will get flicked."

Tendou grimaced at Tamiko, clearly upset about this revelation and turned to his captain.

"You wouldn't would you, Wakatoshi-kun?" he asked.

Ushijima only glanced at him before looking ahead at Tamiko again.

"Looks like Wakatoshi made the obvious choice," Reon said and smiled.

"No," Tendou groaned."What have you done to my best friend?"

The third years laughed as Tendou began to complain about how much Ushijima had changed, although that wasn't entirely true. If anything he seemed more relaxed than ever. Some might say he also withheld his excitement. It was another chance for him to play against Karasuno again. Now that he knew what the duo was capable of he was even more fired up than usual. Tamiko shared the excitement. Now she could act like a proper manager and stand by the sidelines, supporting the team while they played and took breaks.

Soon they all arrived one by one. Karasuno, Seijou, Dateko, Jozenji and Wakutani South stood in the big gym of Shiratorizawa Academy. Many of the younger members were a little nervous while the older ones conversed a little. Yet it was still intimidating for all, coaches included, to stand on this turf. Comments were made about the facility, hands were shaken and laughs were shared. When the members of Shiratorizawa joined them all grew quiet again until Goshiki approached Hinata, congratulating him and telling him he wouldn't lose to him this year.

Even the coaches and managers had gathered together to exchange a few words. Yachi was glad to see Tamiko again and the other managers introduced themselves as well. There was Nametsu Mai, the second year from Dateko Tech along with Misaki Hana and Kuribayashi Runa from Johzenji. Shimizu was as quiet as ever while Yachi did a lot of talking. It only now dawned Tamiko that most of the managers were third years and that they all had one replacement first or second year with them. She wondered if she should ever look for a replacement, someone to step into her shoes and guide the boys in the right direction. The girls all voiced their excitement for this training and then lined up along with the coaches. It was then when Tamiko decided to address everyone.

"Welcome, everyone, to Shiratorizawa academy and to the first day of the training camp of the newly found Shiratorizawa Academy Group," Tamiko said and then added. "I'm sorry about the name but coach Washijo insisted."

"I forgive you Tami-chan!" came a call from the crowd.

Everyone turned to look at Oikawa, who was smiling and waving. Tamiko shot him an angry glare and he flinched back additionally earning a smack against the head from Iwaizumi. And that was a good thing too, since Ushijima didn't have to walk all the way over to Oikawa to flick him. That would have sparked some tension. Iwaizumu nodded towards her, urging her to continue.

Behind a strong man [Ushiwaka /Oc]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant