Chapter 25 - A Problem

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"Dinner is ready, boys!" Tamiko called from the kitchen.

She could already hear all of the boys get up and cheer. Soekawa and Ushijima offered themselves to help her set the table but in the end, everyone was helping in some way. Kawanishi took the cutlery and Shirabu the glasses. They all followed her little instructions and soon the table was set. After thanking for the food they ate. Everyone seemed to be very hungry, especially Goshiki who placed a big mountain of rice on his plate. Tamiko smiled to herself and hoped that she had cooked enough. A sudden weight on her lap caught her attention. Semi's cat decided to rest on Tamiko's lap while they ate and she used her free hand to stroke its soft fur. She loved the cat. It was very friendly and anything but shy. It always made Tamiko long for a pet of her own. Only problem was her brother. She didn't know what it was but any animal in his presence would go on the defense. It was hilarious but also sad. Tamiko took another bite of her food and looked around. She had seated herself next to Ohira and Ushijima and both broad giants were quietly eating. Otherwise it was lively at the table with laughter and shouting. Tendou lead the conversation at the table with Goshiki while the others laughed.

Tamiko stayed quiet. She kept thinking the same thing. Is Tobio-kun eating right now? Is he alright? She had promised him not to call him. It was hard. She really wanted to know if her was fine. It was the first time they had been apart on christmas, usually spending it together as a family. Family. That was something that had lost its true meaning. A mother, a father, siblings. It was only her and Tobio now. They were on their own. Did their mother even want to come and see her own children anymore? It was an unnerving thought that had started to haunt her dreams. Many possibilities went through her mind. Maybe she met someone new. It was highly likely. Her mother was single with two children who were never around. And being a makeup artist for movies meant she came into contact with famous actors. There was that possibility and it scared her. No, I don't have children. What if her mother would claim this? It was frightening. She swallowed as her thought jumbled and her jaw muscles tightened, her eyes gazing into nothing. Her tenseness was noticed by Soekawa.

"Say, Tamiko, where is your little brother?" he asked.

Tamiko flinched a little. That dreaded question. Should she lie? No, then they would ask about her mother. But they would do that even when she told them the truth. The subject of her mother wasn't very well known amongst the boys, otherwise they wouldn't ask. But now, she felt cornered.

"He's at his friend's house." she told him.

"And your mum?" Yamagata asked. "Shouldn't she be here as well?"

Tamiko swallowed and pressed her lips to a tight line. Crap. She has kept the truth from them but only to keep herself safe from the pain. Izumi knew, of course, she had already spent one afternoon crying in her arms, but her boys didn't. She didn't want to cry again. Not again. Why can't this just stop? As she looked up to them she saw the worry in their eyes. Her nails dug into her hands and she put on a smile.

"She couldn't come," was all she said as she smiled at them.

Immediately the third years all stood up and walked over to her. Soekawa pulled back her chair and Ushijima was the first to pull her to her feet and hug her tightly, then Tendou joined in and so did the others. It was a group hug with her in the middle. It felt so warm as silent tears started to flow down her cheeks, soaking Ushijima's shirt. He also seemed to notice as he tightened his grip a little. But she didn't move, only silently letting the tears flow. It felt so warm in his arms, her face pressed against his hard chest. She felt so safe in his embrace, so wanted, but she didn't hug him back, although she wanted to. He would interpret it the wrong way. So she just stood. Some of the boys were rubbing her back or patting her head when Soekawa made an announcement.

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