Chapter 3 - A week of summer

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Behind every strong man

stands a woman who encourages him


The radio was beating out a catchy tune while Tamiko sat in the car. She looked at her watch again, pausing her improvised drumming on the steering wheel. It was already late and she was still waiting for the bus to return. She had promised Tobio that she would pick him up when they returned from the summer training camp in Tokyo. It was amazing how Tobio had given the right answers for the test but for the wrong answers. It was something that was still a mystery to her. He had to redone the test with his friend Hinata and then were driven to Tokyo. It had all worked out in the end. Tokyo. Probably bad traffic, she thought. No message or call had come from her brother and she came to the conclusion that he was probably sleeping in the bus. Out of boredom she grabbed her phone. An unread message was waiting for her, from Ushijima.

From: Toshi
To: Tami

There will be summer training on Monday for the whole week. The coach is asking if you would organise the food.

Tamiko sighed. This was the second time the coach had asked. The first time she had cook for them, the coach was amazed. She should have held back. Now she was starting to regret it.

From: Tami
To: Toshi

If he wants me to cook he will have to ask me personally.

A reply came immediately.

From: Toshi
To: Tami

They are all asking.

Of course they were. The coach hadn't been the only one who had been impressed.

From: Tami
To: Toshi

If any of you refuse to eat what I cook, everyone will have to shave your legs.

From: Toshi
To: Tami

Thank you.

Tamiko smiled to herself. That would probably the last time she would cook for them. She might as well make really nice meals. A few minutes passed when a bus drove onto the car park. She stepped out of the car and walked towards the group of people that were coming out of the bus. Right now was the first look she got a look at the volleyball team of Karasuno. There was a very tall blond with glasses, a short boy with orange hair, one had long hair in a bun with a goatee, one had his head shaved and another was even shorter than her with spiked hair. The others looked ordinary. They all looked very tired. A blond man talked to them about a brief meeting. Tobio yawned and then spotted her.

"You look tired." Tamiko noted as they approached each other.

"Yeah." he groaned.

Tamiko smiled and took his bag when his teammates approached. He had his hands in his pockets and a threatening glare.

"What's this, Kageyama? A girlfriend we don't know about?" the boy with the shaved head asked. "How dare you keep such information from us, huh?"

"Shut up!" Tobio growled. "I don't have to tell you anything!"

While Tobio was shouting and defending himself against his teammate, a man with glasses approached her.

"Sorry, about that. I am Ittetsu Takeda, their teacher. Are you Kageyama's mother?" he asked.

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