Chapter 11 - A change

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I'm proud to show the new cover picture.


Behind a strong man

stands a woman praying for him.

The players took a well deserved break after the second set and Tamiko took the opportunity to quickly get something to eat. There wasn't a long queue and she settled on a pack of crisps. There was someone else who spotted her though.

"So you are here too, Tamiko." someone said to her and she turned around.

"Iwaizumi." she greeted him.

"Enjoying the match?" he asked while he paid for a drink.

"Yeah, it's very exciting." she grinned.

"Oikawa is just here too, but only to see the loser." he told her.

"What an asshole." she laughed and Iwaizumi grinned.

"Your uniform suits you." he noted.

"Thanks." she smiled when they heard the buzzer. "I'll see you later." she called after him as she ran back to her seat.

She arrived just in time and Izumi updated her.

"Shibaru slapped himself in the face." she told her.

"I see." Tamiko muttered and then changed the subject. "I just bumped into Iwaizumi."

"He's here, too?" Izumi wondered.

"With Oikawa, yes." Tamiko confirmed.

"Chance." she grinned and winked at Tamiko who returned a smile.

The third set started with a point going to Shiratorizawa with Ushijima's spike. Tamiko ate her way through her crisps as the third set came to a close, Shiratorizawa winning it with a seven point difference. She sighed to herself when Izumi nudged her.

"Ushijima-kun is talking with the little #10." Izumi noticed when the teams switched sides.

"Oh?" this caught Tamiko's attention.

Tamiko watched the two exchange a few words when Hinata seemed to freeze and Ushijima just walked past him.

"What do you think he said to him?" Izumi asked her but Tamiko just shrugged.

"Probably something extremely blunt."

"Probably." Izumi laughed.

The fourth set moved along as well. Goshiki was yelled at, Ushijima's spikes were picked up and Shiratorizawa started to realise that Karasuno was a capable opponent. And they clearly showed it. Shiratorizawa still had the upper hand but Karasuno was not going to back down. When Hinata blocked Ohira and even scored a point with it, everyone was amazed.

"Well, he is a middle blocker after all. But he did an approach run like for a spike." Tamiko elaborated.

"That #10 really is interesting." Izumi grinned and stole a crisp.

When Hinata jumped against the net when he tried to block, she changed her mind. Tamiko laughed. He was still amazing in her eyes, even if he made mistakes.

"Did that #10 just get a one touch from Ushijima-kun?" Izumi exclaimed.

Tamiko grinned. Hinata's blocks were affecting the course of the game. She could only guess how frustrating it must be to have his spike affected by a short guy who looked like a junior high student. Both teams were neck on neck as their crept closer to the 25 mark. Tsukishima managed to get a point by jumping after Kawanishi jumped for the block. That was one thing Tamiko liked about volleyball. It wasn't only a sport for the skilled and powerful, but also for the smart. That move forced Shiratorizawa into a time out and coach Washijo was shouting at them again. Tamiko chewed on another piece of crisp and watched as the game continued, Ushijima hitting another spike.

"Ushijima is still going strong." Tamiko noticed when the spike got through the block.

"That #10 isn't the only one with bottomless stamina." Izumi grinned.

Karasuno was one point in the lead but one little mistake almost cost them a lost point. Tobio threw the ball too far but Tsukishima managed to lightly knock the ball over the net, getting Karasuno a point.

"Wow, that was a close one." Izumi sighed.

"I guess Tobio-kun is getting tired." Tamiko feared.

It didn't surprise her. Her brother has never played further than the third set before. The next point taken by Ushijima just made Tamiko frown.

"That bastard." Tamiko smirked. "He pulled a feint."

This in turn forced Karasuno into a time out. Tamiko's brother was resting on the bench but stood to continue in the set. The match point was taken by Karasuno but Shiratorizawa took it back. It wasn't only frustrating for the players but watching just made you grind your teeth. Now it was Ushijima's time to serve. Karasuno couldn't save the ball after it hit the net and Shiratorizawa took the point. The second serve was luckily received by Nishinoya.

"That is one skilled libero." Izumi smirked.

When Ohira jumped to spike the toss, Tobio and Tsukishima were ready to block it and it was a success, too. Tamiko exhaled after holding her breath. This was getting intense. But the support for Karasuno didn't waver.

"I'm counting on you, Karasuno!" and old man suddenly shouted.

"Who is that guy?" Izumi asked.

"I don't know." Tamiko shrugged.

The next point went to Karasuno after Tendou's block went over the line. They only needed one more point to win the set. This time Tamiko folded over hands together. Please get the point. When Tobio tossed to Hinata, her heart almost stopped. He didn't toss far enough but through some miracle, Hinata tabbed the ball over the net with his left hand, while his body was going to the right. Shiratorizawa was not prepared for it and nobody was there in time to stop the ball from hitting the ground. The double whistle announced the end of the fourth set. Now it was a tie and the fifth and final set was going to be the toughest one yet.

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