Chapter 37 - A confession

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After all the matches ended, Tamiko felt more than exhausted. She had rested her head on Ushijima's shoulder the whole time, trying not to lose to the exhaustion. Oikawa and Iwaizumi had taken their leave while Ushijima had guided her back to the hotel. He was at a loss. Since her glasses had been broken she seemed so disorientated, always frowning. The way back was spent in silence and when Tamiko finally sat on her bed and Ushijima closed the door, there were still no words spoken. But he noticed it. Something was bothering her and she needed some space. So he decided to go and take a shower. Tamiko used the opportunity to take out her phone and make a call.

"You sound exhausted, Tamiko." Izumi noted when she answered the call.

"A lot has happened today." Tamiko sighed as she laid down on the bed.

She now felt a little more at ease talking to her friend. Izumi was calm as always, even chewing gum and blowing bubbles that popped loudly.

"Yeah, I heard from Ushijima. Oikawa and Iwaizumi were there." she answered.

Tamiko suspiciously raised an eyebrow.


"He called me for advice," she elaborated. "The boy is very new to this relationship so he is a little confused. Doesn't surprise me though. He is as blunt as a spoon."

"I see," Tamiko mumbled under her breath. "That was what he did."

"So anyway, how is your brother doing?" Izumi asked but then gasped. "No wait, tell me if you two did anything cute yet."

Tamiko half smiled at the grin she could hear in her friend's voice. There was nothing keeping Izumi from finding out everything and to make her smile.

"We cuddled a little," she mumbled. "Wasn't anything special."

A gasp was heard and then Izumi squealed at the other end. Tamiko had to hold her phone at a safe distance before her eardrums burst.

"I am shipping you to the ends of the world." she declared. "You don't know how adorable it is to imagine you two cuddle."

"Why," Tamiko asked. "Because Toshi is a big brute without emotions?"

"Exactly," Izumi blurted. "You two are together for nearly a month now. That's a record for him. He really likes you."

Tamiko blushed and clung onto her pillow. Hearing it was just too much for her heart. She knew it already but still, she had only just reached the crush-phase and she was already in the relationship she wanted.

"So, what else happened?" Izumi asked, popping another bubble.

"I managed to defuse the tension between Toshi and Oikawa." Tamiko shrugged.


"At least a little."

"It's something," Izumi agreed. "But there is more, right?"

Tamiko nodded to herself and told her friend everything. How she had bumped into Osamu, how the glasses broke. She didn't bother to tell her who the guy was, otherwise uncomfortable questions would spark and that was something she wanted to avoid.

"Have you told Ushi about your condition?" Izumi asked after having heard the story.

"No, I have never told him." she admitted.

"Well, you should. I know what you are like when you don't wear them and he is probably very confused right now."

"You know that I can't. Toshi is very direct when it come to his own opinion on things. I don't want to her negativity about from him." Tamiko explained. "I have heard it enough already."

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