Chapter 27 - An answer

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Tendou smiled to himself after he inadvertently overheard that one little sentence. It made him feel giddy and fidgety. Since the first year in high school he had befriended Ushijima and now, it was like watching his own child step into the world for the first time. He was bursting with pride. Wakatoshi is becoming a man, he smiled to himself. There was a slight jump in his step as he made his way back to the living room. The boys were all busy with a card game when Tendou arrived.

"Alright boys, I have an announcement to make." Tendou said and the boys paused.

He waited until he had all of their attention. Then he cleared his throat.

"Wakatoshi-kun is asking out Tamiko-chan, right now." he told them.

There was a long silence and some huffs of disbelief. Wide eyes stared at Tendou's smiling face. They weren't buying it but when seconds turned to minutes, they started to believe, especially when Tendou's smile faded. Now they knew that he was serious.

"Seriously?" Soekawa asked.

Tendou nodded with a serious demeanor.

"Right now?" Semi asked.

"Yes, I overheard it." he said. "Whatever the result, we will not say a word, okay? No congratulating, no sympathy. We don't want to make it awkward."

"Why don't you want to congratulate them?" Ohira asked.

"Tamiko-chan's brain would probably explode." Tendou shrugged.

"You have a point." Semi half smiled.

Tendou joined them on the floor and looked at them as Yamagata gave out the next set of cards.

"I hope she says yes." Soekawa noted. "It would do Wakatoshi some good."

"Agreed." Semi layer out a card. "She did reject Oikawa when he asked her out."

"Ushijima-san is the complete opposite to Oikawa-san." Shirabu told them. "She will say yes. I am certain of it."

"Well, I think she would say no. She doesn't look like the dating type." Kawanishi said.

Silence followed as they thought about those words. Then a mischievous grin returned to Tendou's lips and he reached into his pocket to place a few pieces of cash on the table. His eyes met with Kawanishi's and the second year flinched.

"Wanna bet on it?" Tendou said.


The ticking of the clock pierced through the air in the kitchen. Tamiko looked up to Ushijima, after he had uttered his words, with wide eyes, her hands slowly dropping into the foamy water. What did he say? Was that really his way of confessing his feelings? That it had higher priority than volleyball? It was silly, but at the same time it made sense. If Ushijima liked someone more than volleyball, then it was serious. She could feel her heart race a little but Ushijima's reaction flicked a switch. He looked away sheepishly with a slight frown and his lips pressed to a tight line, his cheeks tinted red. This really was serious. All the disbelief in her heart just shattered.

Slowly Ushijima's mind shifted into regret. He felt really strange. So many unknown feelings were tugging at his heart. Despair, hope, angst, worry. It wasn't a new sensation but the situation was new. Never had he felt so uncomfortable, wanting just to disappear. But he was rooted to the spot. He wanted to know. He wanted to know what she would say. Did she even feel the same way? He wasn't sure. How was he suppose to know? This was totally new to him, unknown territory. At least he knew that she didn't hate him.

"Okay?" she slurred, not knowing what to say.

She could feel her cheeks burn and when he looked back at her, it made it even worse.

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