Chapter Nine

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Owen doesn't speak while we drive back. I rest my head against the window and end up drifting into a light sleep. But then I see the man again with my eyes closed shut. I see his wicked grin. I see him pulling me away, taking me towards wherever he might have taken me.

I open my eyes back up, breathing deeply. Owen has the car pulled over and opens the passenger side door. His hand gently touches my cheek and I look up into his eyes. His eye look concerned. I must have been screaming in my sleep.

"Are you alright?" He asks me. I nod my head, trying to calm my breathing. "I'm going to keep driving. Is that okay?"

I nod again, and he reluctantly closes the car door and returns to his side. He doesn't start the car back up for a few moments. He looks at me after staring at his steering wheel for a while.

"We can talk about what just happened when we get back. But we need to let your mom and sister know you're alright first," he says.

I agree wholeheartedly. I know we need to talk about what happened. I'm just nervous about what I'll find out about my past. Who that man was. How he knew me.

I also know that my family must be worried about me.

My hands keep shaking when my thoughts go to what happened earlier. What could have happened if Owen wasn't there.

It takes about twenty minutes for us to get to my house. My mom is out on the porch, talking on the phone. My sister is beside her, pacing back and forth. Owen parks the car and we both get out.

Before I know what's happening, Clarin is enfolding me in a hug. Her head is on my shoulder and she's sobbing, shoulders shaking. I lean my head against hers.

"I was so scared," she says, voice cracking. "I thought something terrible had happened."

"It's okay," I say quietly. "I'm okay."

She pulls away and smiles through her tears. This time my mom comes over to me and takes me in her arms. It's strange, their attachment to me. In my mind, I hardly even know them.

Owen stands beside me when my mom releases me. He looks at everyone for a moment, eyes cold.

"I found her downtown. Jonathan had found her," he says. Clarin's eyes grow big and she opens her mouth but says nothing. My mother tilts her head down so I can't see her expression but I can hear a sharp intake of breath.

"Why-Who is that?" I ask quietly. Everyone seems to affected by his name, yet I know nothing.

"I think I need some time to talk to her," Owen says to the others.

My mom and Clarin nod in agreement. We all start walking inside, through the door. Owen and I walk up the stairs. My legs feel shaky still. I don't know if that's from all the running, or if it's because I still haven't released the feeling of terror.

"Wait- Owen?" My mom calls from downstairs. Owen stops, looking back to her. "Don't... Remember not to mention him."

Owen grimaces and nods.

I raise my eyebrows at him expectantly, but he is consciously ignoring my stares.

When we get to my room, Owen sits on the couch next to me. He's quiet for a while, looking at his hands. I don't say anything. I just watch him and wait.

"Jonathan was your boyfriend through your Junior year," he says finally. He doesn't look up. His jaw clenches. "I didn't like him from the get-go. He was already a senior, in my year. I had seen him doing things I would never want you to associate with. You were my best friend. I tried to warn you about him, naturally. And you, being stubborn, decided your judgement was better than mine."

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