Chapter Five

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'This is Owen right?'

'Isn't my contact in your phone?' -Owen

'Well, yeah, but I'm just making sure...'

'Why exactly are you texting me at three in the morning?' -Owen

I look at the time on the top of the screen and realize that it is, in fact,that late.

'Whoa. Didn't realize it was this late... Or early, I guess.'

'How can you just not realize it's the middle of the night?' -Owen

'Hey, why are you replying in the middle of the night?'

'Good point. I'm going to bed.' -Owen

'Wait, I'm so bored! Don't leave me here.'

'You should go to sleep too.' -Owen

'I can't!'

'What? Why?' -Owen

'Because I'm not tired.'

'Well, I am.' -Owen

'No you're not.'

'Actually I am.' -Owen

'If you were actually tired, you wouldn't even be replying to any of these messages. You'd be asleep.'

'Zzzzzzzz.' -Owen

'Hah. Funny.'

It becomes apparent that Owen actually has succeeded in falling asleep. My mind is buzzing and far from resting.

I get out of bed quietly and walk across the room where my desk sits. I wonder if anything inside would spark any memories. I'm supposed to be getting them back in a few days or so.

I pull open a draw and only find pens, pencils, markers, and post it notes. I open the one beneath it. There is a stack of plain white copy papers. In the bottom drawer is a bunch of candy such as Skittles, Starburst, Snickers, Jolly Ranchers, and Dum Dums. I reach through, trying to find a Watermelon flavored Jolly Rancher, but instead my hands fall upon a small book.

Was this my diary?

I open it up to the first page.

'Brinley's very private journal, don't open.'

The handwriting looks like a seven year old wrote those words. I flip past all this younger self stuff and to the more recent days. On one that was only six months ago, I begin reading.

'December 3:
I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy. I've never really liked someone before, but today I just... I don't know how to describe it. I've known Owen for such a long time but it's only now that I realize I feel he is so much more than a friend to me. I don't know the extent of my feelings, or if he has any back, but what I do know is something's changed.'

I smile at the page. I wrote those words. My old self thought these things. I feel as if I'm intruding for some reason, but this is my property.

'January 12:
He feels the same. He told me he wants me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. I feel pretty much the happiest I ever have in my life. Clarin apparently has known all along that he's liked me. She just kept it a secret because she swore to him that she would. We've been best friends since fifth grade and I just really don't want to ruin that.'

I didn't know I had been friends with him that long. Of course, how would I? I keep forgetting that I know absolutely nothing. Let me tell you, it's frustrating having to learn about yourself.

'February 19:
Hey Brinley, guess who left their diary on their bed? Yes, you did. Don't worry, I didn't read anything. Just wanted to say hi. XOXO-Owen.'

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