Chapter Thirty-Five

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Clarin is supposed to arrive at around noon tomorrow. Until then, I'm stuck in a house with a bunch of people I don't know and Owen, who I really don't want to talk to.

So, right now, I sit in the guest bedroom. That's where Mrs. Michaels showed me to. She's a very nice woman, by the way. Smiles a lot. So is his dad.

Ian, on the other hand, just keeps staring at me. Like he can't believe I'm here. I can't believe he's here either. The feeling is mutual. I stare at him as well. It really freaks me out. He looks exactly like Owen.

There's a knock at my door. I purse my lips, trying to decide who it could be. Mrs. Michaels, offering me something to eat? Owen, begging forgiveness? Ian, coming to beat the crap out of me like I've been told he's accustomed to?

"Come in," I call glumly.

Should I have just stayed at home and waited for Owen's return? Stayed in the dark, or rather, in blissful ignorance to all these lies? Could that be any better than knowing I've been lied to about something so huge?

Owen... Or Ian... walks into the room. But by the way they're staring at me, I can tell it's probably Ian. He still looks shocked.

"I can't believe you're here," he breathes out. "I haven't seen you in almost three months."

I sit up straighter, moving a little further back on the bed. Can I trust this guy? The one who pushed me out a window? Who threatened to kill me? I don't think so.

"Mind if I sit?" Ian asks, closing the door behind him.

I still just look at him, not really paying attention to what he's saying. Just the sounds. He's even got the same voice. So strange.

Ian doesn't wait for me to reply, he just moves himself right over to the bed and sits down. I frown, not exactly comfortable with him within three feet of me. Is a restraining order an option?

"So," Ian says, bringing my attention to him. It's only now that I realize the difference between he and Owen is their eyes. Ian's are very light green, almost grey, where Owen's are bright and hard not to notice. "I'm going to guess you've heard everything from Owen."

I nod, watching him skeptically.

"I don't have much to say," Ian frowns. "But I want to tell you I'm sorry."

I stare at him for a long time. "You are? I got the impression you despise me... Enough to throw me out a window. You sure you're sorry about that?"

Ian's lips turn upwards into what I almost recognize as a smile. "Just like I remember you."

I glare at him. "Too bad I can't remember you, huh? Maybe I'd be kicking your butt instead of letting you talk to me if I did."

"I guess I'd deserve it," Ian sighs, looking at his hands.

"No. Don't say that you guess," I roll my eyes. "You do deserve it. Big time. You're lucky I'm not denting your face in with my iron fist."

"Yeah right, you have an iron fist just like I can fly," Ian smiles for reals. "I sure remember your weak attempts at punching me."

"I bet you also remember all my weak attempts at blocking myself from your punches, huh?" I demand, feeling highly irritated at his friendliness with me.

"Look," Ian sighs. "I'm a terrible person. I know. I shouldn't give any excuses. But that was a horrible time in my life, and you just got in the way-"

"Got in the way?" I gawk at him. "In the way enough to toss me out of it and directly through a window?"

"You got in the way of my bad personality and bad temper. And my bad drinking habits," Ian says with a frown. "I'm done with that now. I'm trying to start over. Be someone else. I can't exactly do that without your forgiveness."

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