Chapter Forty-Six

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"Owen go get us some towels!" Ian calls.

Owen stops where he's standing, shirt in hand, chest bare. He's got a swimsuit on, just like the rest of us, but he hasn't gotten into the hot tub yet. He frowns and shakes his head.

"No, get your own," Owen replies, hopping into the hot tub beside me. I feel all tingly when his bare and muscular arm wraps around me, and it's not because of the piping hot water.

"I have to pee and you're denying me a towel?" Ian asks, putting a dramatic hand to his heart.

"Yes," Owen nods. "I am."

"Then I'm gonna pee in your hot tub," Ian crosses his arms.

"This is your hot tub too," Owen raises his eyebrows.

"I don't mind sitting in my own pee," Ian shrugs.

I scrunch up my nose and resist the gag in my throat. "Fine! I'll get the stupid towels," I exclaim. Then I roll my eyes. "Men."

I climb out of the hot tub, leaving a smug Ian and a surprised Owen behind. I dry myself off with the one towel I brought out for myself and then walk inside with it wrapped around me. The towels are in some closet from what I can remember.

The main hallway of his house is upstairs, so that's where I head. The house is dark and eerily quiet because their parents aren't here right now. Clarin's out with Lucas again. Everyone else is gone. So this is pretty creepy walking around about now.

One of the cabinets is already open, so I walk over and search through it. No towels, just sheets. The next contains hair supplies. The next has old shoes and clothes. Finally at the last one, I find the stack of pool towels. I grab two and shut it again.

Someone squeezes my waist and I let out a squeal, turning around quickly after jumping a mile.

"You should've seen your face," Joey laughs.

"When did you get here?" I demand angrily.

"A minute ago," he smiles at me. "Clarin and Lucas just got here too. Oh yeah, and the doorbell rang a second ago. You should probably go get that."

My mouth falls open and I stare at him incredulously. "And you couldn't go answer it?"

"Hey," he holds his hands up in surrender, "you're just mad because I scared you."

"Shut up," I roll my eyes and head down the stairs.

Joey was right. Through the glass window on the door, I can see people just outside it. I pull it open and am not shocked to find Drake, Parker, Jake, Phill, and Ben staring back.

"Brinley!.... Or maybe Clarin?" Drake says, looking unsure.

"It's Brinley," I say.

"Right, I knew that," Drake smiles. "Twins, you know? Ian and Owen are hard enough..."

"I get it," I shrug. "I slapped Ian across the face... And punched him a little... Thinking he was Owen, when I first met him."

"No way, what did Owen do to deserve a beating that never really came to him?" Parker looks thrilled at this information.

"He didn't do anything. I saw Ian making out with some random chick and flipped out. Just a bit," I shrug.

Parker and Drake both let out a loud laugh. "I wish I was there to witness that."

"Can we come in now?" Phill asks in an agitated tone.

Can you shut up now?

"I was pretty embarrassed when I realized I had the wrong brother," I tell him.

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