Chapter Fifty-Five

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"B! I made you breakfast!"

I rub my eyes tiredly, shaking my head. "What did you do to it?"

"Why do you always assume I do something bad to the food I make?" Joey gawks at me angrily.

"Let's see," I cross my arms. "You spit in my water, you added hot sauce to my PB&J sandwich, you dipped my Popsicle in a puddle," he looks like he's about to protest, but I put up a finger. "My favorite is when you put garlic in my burger. I'm allergic to garlic! I went into shock!"

"I still think you're making that up because you're a vampire," Joey shrugs.

"Shut up," I roll my half-open eyes. "Don't say stupid things so early in the morning."

"Remind me never to wake you up before eight o'clock again," Joey takes a step away.

"Two mornings in a row," I glare at him.

He holds his hands up in surrender. "With good reason."

"I don't call whatever that is good reason," I say, pointing to the plate he's holding.

"It's biscuits and gravy!" Joey exclaims, looking offended.

"Still not a good enough reason," I say, flopping down into a chair with a groan.

"Brinley?" Owen walks into the kitchen in his plaid pajama pants and blue T shirt, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Why're you up so early?"

"That's what I'm saying," I groan, resting my head down on the table, barely missing the plate of biscuits and gravy.

"I just wanted to make her a nice breakfast," Joey grins. "Good breakfast for a good day, you know?"

"Shut up, Joey," Owen eyes me quickly. "Go upstairs would you?"

"Aw, I'm wounded," Joey holds a hand over his heart as he slowly walks out of the kitchen. "That's twice! Twice I've been told to shut up in the last five minutes."

Finally when there's peace and quiet in the room, I lay my head back down on the table and close my eyes. I hear rather than see Owen sit next to me. He puts on hand on my back and runs his fingers up and down my spine in a soothing and calming way.

"Still tired?" Owen asks.

"You think?" I ask with a sigh.

"Why don't you go sleep for a little while longer?" Owen says. "And then we can go to the beach."

"You don't have to tell me twice," I grunt and then drag myself back into the room and fall onto the bed. I'm out in about .5 seconds.


"Get up," someone shoves my shoulder. I throw an arm out to punch whoever is trying to get me awake. "Ouch! Gosh, B, you've got a mean punch."

"Go 'way," I mutter, pressing my face further into my pillow.

"No, I'm on 'wake up Brinley' duty," Joey sighs. "You see, Owen told me to do it so that he wouldn't have to deal with miss cranky here. I'm always the sacrifice."

"I'll sacrifice you with fire if you don't get out of my room," I groan.

"Okay," Joey says slowly. "I'm going to disregard your jerky comments and threats. It's almost two in the afternoon!"


"And Owen has been waiting to go to the beach for over six hours," Joey groans, shaking me again. "You wouldn't leave your sweet boyfriend waiting, would you?"

"Watch me," I throw my covers over my head.

"Wrong answer."

Joey grabs my ankles and yanks me out of the bed. I fall onto the floor with a bang, and I let out a scream. I turn over and shield my eyes from the light. I give Joey as deadly of a glare as I possibly can. I swear I will slit his throat if he takes a single step closer to me.

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