Chapter Two

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I wake up in the morning, clutching my sheets. My whole body tenses and I can't seem to find my breath. I don't know where I am. I don't know who I am. I don't know anything.

I sit up and look around the room in fear. I would scream, but I can't seem to move.

My mind freezes and I let out a screech. I grab my head in my hands, my fingers tangling my hair. I let out a frustrated scream through my teeth. I don't know anything, and the feeling is horrible.

I can't find any thoughts, memories, nothing. I can't find me, who I am. I'm trapped from my own mind and I'm going crazy.


I look up, realizing that the person is talking to me. She has blonde hair, pulled back in a pony tail and she's watching me with her dark brown eyes. I know her. She told me she was Clarin yesterday.

I feel comforted by the fact that I at least recognize someone.

She rushes to me and enfolds me in her arms. I breathe deeply, closing my eyes tightly.

"You're okay," Clarin whispers. "You're home."

I nod shakily. "Home."

A home I don't remember.

"It's Tuesday... Which means school, Brinley," Clarin whispers.

"Mom and dad go to work all day. I leave to school. You can't stay home. We were instructed to take you with us," she looks at me in pity. "I'm sorry, it was the only way. But I'll be with you the whole time."

"I don't even know the name of our school and I'm expected to see all the kids stares as I act confused and lost?" I ask, my eyes pleading to let me stay.

"Your classes and teachers were informed," Clarin explains.

"Even better," I sigh, rubbing my eyes. "Everyone stares at me and asks me questions and stuff. I won't know anyone."

"I'm in almost all your classes. Plus, you've got lunch with me too," she explains.

I let out a long breath, preparing myself for what will most likely be the worst day of my life.

"Go ahead and get yourself ready. We leave in twenty minutes," Clarin gives me one last hopeful smile before walking out of my room and letting me be.

I walk to what I assume to be the closet curiously. Shirts, dresses, jeans, shoes, so many things hang in my closet. I can't seem to find a memory of a thing. I pick an outfit at random and throw it on. Then I search the drawers for a brush and get the tangles out of my hair.

By the time I'm finished, Clarin is already back, watching me curiously in the mirror.

"We're leaving soon," she says finally, a sad look in her eyes.

"Alright," I nod, bracing myself for what may be the worst day of my life. Then again, I don't remember the other bad days I've had.


"Alright, Brinley, your first class is science... That's room 201. It should be just through that door. You okay with that?" Clarin asks, looking worried.

"I'm fine," I nod, but inside I'm truly terrified. I don't know where I am.

"I'll meet you out here before your next class, okay?" She asks.

"Yeah," I nod, then I start walking in the doors. The hallway is full of students rushing in every direction. I press my way through the mess, desperately seeking 201. I spot it to my right and head in that direction, feeling sick to my stomach.

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