✧ mine ✧

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summary: when you share a fun, curious idea that includes Wanda, Agatha's jealousy blooms like thorns.

word counter: 1548 words

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The day passes calmly inside the Hex.

Because Wanda and her beloved robotic husband are quite entertained with their roles as parents of Tommy and Billy, Agatha is taking advantage of it to renew her energies at home.

A soft hum surrounds you warmly, making you smile as you continue stroking Agatha's perfect curls. Her head rests on your lap and the rest of her body on the sofa, which is apparently very comfortable since she has barely moved.

You're aware that just a few more minutes will be enough for her to fall into a deep sleep. Just by having her eyes closed, seems she already is. And of course you're going to allow her to use you as a pillow. She spends an amount of hours locked in that basement when she's not being Agnes. So when she's with you, you treasure every minute as if it were the last.

Your eyes get lost for a fraction of a second on the telly. People outside the Hex aren't the only ones capable of watching the WandaVision sitcom. In fact, the replay of yesterday's episode was playing before a certain witch demanded your attention. The image remains frozen in a scene of Agnes and Wanda, both in the eighties.

You're completely, one hundred percent sure, of one fact: '80s fashion is superior. Period.

At least this whole false reality thing has its good points. With that look, Agatha is simply mesmerizing. That sporty outfit highlighting her glorious curves, that black hair and that smile. My, my, your weakness for Harkness is growing with fury.

Your gaze wander to the woman next to her. Oh, how curious. Wanda's beauty is quite striking. Her reddish hair in the form of curlers is majestic. And that tight vintage clothes wrapping her body... Wow.

You look at the Salem witch whose position and state remain the same.

"Aggs?" You whisper softly to check if she's really asleep. But she hums in response. "What do you think of Wanda?"

"Besides the fact she needs therapy?" She giggles slightly to herself. "What else am I supposed to think about her?"

You resume your task of stroking her curly hair. "Well, you spend a lot of time with her... I was wondering if in some occasion.. I don't know, did you find her pretty?"

"She may have her charms, but I don't see them."

"Oh, c'mon. She never caught your eye? Physically, I mean." A small wrinkle appears on her forehead.

"Physically? I don't understand."

Her turtle-like slowness to catch your hint makes your next words come out more clearly. Direct.

"Do you find her attractive?" Her eyelids part and her blue seas face yours.

"Attractive?" Her voice sounding more serious this time. "Why would I find that talentless witch attractive?"

Well, this didn't turn out how you expected it to. Your silence is suspicious, which, apparently, says much more than the absent words.

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