Chapter 6

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Shadow Weaver kept a tight grip on Adora's shoulder as she steered her back to the door. Catra got to her feet, and Adora could see from the twitch of her brows that Catra was fighting to hide how much she was hurting. Adora reached out for her hand, but Shadow Weaver yanked her away.

"Not now, Adora," Shadow weaver snapped. She jutted her chin at Catra. "Door. Now."

Sulking, Catra did as she was told. She unlatched the heavy metal door and pulled it open before stepping aside to let them through. Shadow Weaver pushed Adora forward without so much a word of thanks.

"I'll see you tonight, okay?" Adora told Catra as she was shoved out the door and back into the dazzling midday sun. If Catra said anything in reply, Adora wasn't given the chance to hear it. Shadow Weaver led her down the sidewalk at a brisk pace. Only once they heard the warehouse door creak closed and the latch fall into place did Shadow Weaver release her merciless grip.

"Here we are," She said, gesturing tot a sleek black car with tinted windows that was parked at the curb. "Get in."

Adora hurried to obey, crawling into the back and fumbling with the seatbelt. A woman sat in the driver's seat — someone Adora had never seen before but assumed was one of their own based on the insignia emblazoned on the arm of her jacket. The driver didn't acknowledge her, so Adora followed her lead and said nothing either. Shadow Weaver slid into the car and sat straight-backed at Adora's side. Once she was settled, she nodded to the driver, and they were off.

Compared to the cop cars Adora had ridden in, this vehicle felt like a luxury experience. The clean, plush leather seats and carefully detailed cabin made her acutely aware of how filthy she was by comparison. Feeling suddenly self-conscious, Adora shifted her gaze out the window and watched the city slip by.

A short drive later, the car pulled into a garage called Prime Auto Repair. Wordlessly, Shadow Weaver got out and Adora followed, offering a small wave to the driver, who dutifully ignored her. Adora couldn't help but stare, taking everything in as she hurried to keep up with Shadow Weaver's quick strides. All around them, mechanics worked on cars and trucks in a series of vehicle bays, doing oil changes and digging around under hoods. None of them batted an eye as Shadow Weaver breezed from the car to a door at the back of the garage with Adora following in her wake.

The door led to a hallway that felt like stepping into another building entirely. Unlike the warehouse Adora called home, this building was well-lit and in much better repair. Through yet another door, they entered a large room that was bustling with activity. The set-up reminded Adora of the bullpen at the police precinct, with a collection of tables set up around the floor. Full-fledged members of the Horde sat at a set of monitors that displayed a collage of security camera feeds. Others stood clustered together around maps and schematic drawings, holding discussions in low tones. Adora was in awe. Her heart tripped over itself as she imagined what kind of damning information this place held. If being Force Captain gave her access to a treasure trove like this, bringing down the Horde might be easier than she thought.

"This is the Horde's headquarters," Shadow Weaver explained, gesturing to the work happening around them. "In time, you'll become familiar with all aspects of our operations."

"Where do you want me to start?" Adora asked. "I could start training on the computers, or maybe you need someone to sort through the records? I'm ready for anything."

Shadow Weaver paused at another door on the opposite side of the bullpen and looked back at her. "Like I said, you'll learn it all in due time. But I have a different assignment for you today."

She pushed through the door and motioned for Adora to follow. Inside was a sort of antechamber, with one wall made almost entirely of glass that looked into another room. A man stood with his back to them, his focus trained on whatever was happening through the window.

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