Chapter 22

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Catra wouldn't have to wait long to put her plan in motion.

That evening, Scorpia drove her to a condo building downtown. They pulled into the circular drive and came to a stop in front of the building's opulent glass entrance.

"Are you sure you don't want to switch shifts?" Scorpia asked. She smiled warmly at Catra. "You had a pretty big day."

"I'm fine," Catra said, turning away. Sometimes she couldn't stand how earnest Scorpia was — it made her feel small and gross by comparison. She slid out of the car and into the night. "I'll let you know how it goes."

Scorpia leaned across the center console and waved. "Okay, good luck! Call if you need anything!"

Being among the hand-selected elite of Hordak's personal security team wasn't quite as glamorous as Catra thought it was going to be. But tonight, being the lowest person on the team's hierarchy—and therefore getting stuck with back to back to back overnight shifts guarding Hordak's front door—was about to pay off.

Catra stepped into the cavernous lobby. The building had a modern industrial vibe, complete with polished concrete floors, cool metal surfaces, and exposed brick. A judgemental sneer tugged at Catra's lips as she took it all in. The way rich people liked to play at peasantry never ceased to amuse her.

Why spend heaps of cash to pretend you live in an old warehouse when you can literally do it for free? Catra thought bitterly as she strode up to the reception desk in the middle of the room.

Behind the desk sat a security guard who gave Catra a quick glance, then nodded as she breezed past him to the elevators. A thrill fluttered inside of her. After spending her entire life being chased out of expensive places like this, Catra wasn't used to being treated like she belonged. In the back of her mind, she was always waiting for the person in charge to realize they'd made some kind of terrible mistake. She couldn't shake the feeling that, at any moment, she might be apprehended by some muscled thug and tossed back onto the streets.

She was halfway up to Hordak's floor before she let herself exhale. No one was coming for her. This was her life now. Maybe one day she'd even believe it.

When the elevator doors opened, Catra found Octavia lounging against the wall just outside the door to Hordak's condo. Octavia raised an eyebrow and checked her watch.

"You're early," she remarked. "Not that I'm complaining — I'm beat."

Octavia pushed off the wall, but Catra caught her in the chest and shoved her back.

"Hold that thought," Catra said, delighting at the look of surprise on Octavia's face. "I've got something I need to do before I clock in."

Before Octavia could say a word, Catra reached out and knocked on Hordak's door.

"What the hell are you doing?" Octavia hissed. "You know we aren't supposed to bug him unless it's important."

"Exactly," Catra replied, turning her eyes to the door as the sound of footsteps approached from the other side. She imagined Hordak peering through the spyhole to see who dared to disturb him, so she raised her chin and stood up tall.

The door swung open.

"What is the meaning of this?" Hordak growled. He looked especially menacing as he stood in the doorway, framed by the dim glow from inside his condo.

"I'm sorry, sir," Octavia blathered quickly. "I told her that you're not to be bothered."

Hordak pinned Octavia under a contemptuous glare. "And yet you let her do it anyway."

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