Chapter 48

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Adora and her friends waited in the gutted remains of Prime's office. Through their earpieces, Scorpia informed them to sit tight; help was on the way. In the background they could hear Entrapta shouting numbers that leapt chronologically by hundreds at a time. It took Adora a couple of minutes before she realized that the numbers represented viewers. Thousands of people were watching the feed that Entrapta and Scorpia's parents had set up to livestream the Horde's downfall.

Soon, all of Etheria would know just how deep the cancer burrowed into the marrow of their city.

Soon, everyone would know that Adora and Catra had been involved.

There would be no more hiding in the shadows for any of them.

The only sound in the room was the wind sweeping in through the jagged maw of the broken windows. It howled around the four friends who sat in a heap on the floor, their arms wrapped protectively around one another, and drowned everything out like thunderous white noise. Strangely soothed, Adora rested her cheek against the top of Catra's hair and breathed her in. She savored the warmth of Catra's face nuzzled into the crook of her neck. Aching bodies and bleeding skin aside, it was a peaceful moment.

That moment, unfortunately, was short-lived. There was shouting out in the hallway, voices calling out to them. Adora vaguely registered Bow shouting back in reply, or the sound of footsteps racing across the marble floor toward them.

From there, things happened quickly.

At first the paramedics tried to separate Adora and Catra, but when they realized one wasn't going anywhere without the other they helped the pair over to the sitting area and sat them down on the sofa side by side. Adora held Catra's hand firmly as the paramedics examined their injuries and cleaned their wounds, only letting go long enough for them to tend to the cuts that criss-crossed her palms and fingers. When they finished, the paramedics draped them both in scratchy gray blankets. Catra lifted Adora's bandaged hand to her lips and blessed each fingertip with an achingly gentle kiss that made Adora's breath hitch with emotion.

Their tender moment was interrupted by the sound of Glimmer screaming out in the hallway. Both Adora and Catra tensed and shared a fearful glance.

What now? Adora wondered as she summoned what little strength she had left to defend her friend. But as she listened, Adora realized Glimmer wasn't in danger at all: the screams were excited, the tears were happy ones.

"What the hell?" Catra muttered, sounding both curious and anxious at the same time.

Then, as if in reply, a figure stepped into the room. Adora sat up in surprise as a bright, intense pair of eyes, framed by a carefully pinned hijab, met her gaze. "Chief Hope?"

Light City's police chief let out a heavy exhale. "Adora, thank goodness." Chief Hope crossed the floor in a handful of authoritative strides and kneeled in front of the girls. Her sharp features were tight with concern. "Are you two alright?"

"More or less." Adora's shoulder pinched angrily as she shrugged. "All things considered."

"All things indeed." Chief Hope's brows furrowed. "I trust you don't need me to tell you how unbelievably wreckless this was."

"You pronounced 'efficient' wrong," Catra quipped, snarky despite the way her voice wavered with exhaustion.

"I wish you had come to me. We could have worked together," Chief Hope said. Catra scoffed and Adora shook her head.

"Did it work?" Adora asked. "Did you see the footage?"

"I'd say half of Etheria saw the footage," a soft, melodic voice answered from the doorway.

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