Chapter 30

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"Why aren't there ever any cabs around when you need them?" Glimmer shouted, her frantic voice reverberating through the desolate street. She had already told the others that taking the bus home would take too long, but this unsavory part of town wasn't the sort of place where taxis tended to hang around either. Glimmer turned to Bow with pleading eyes. "Bow, will you call for someone? I don't want to hang up just in case—"

"Already on it," Bow said, flashing his phone screen to show an internet search for Etheria cab companies. He hit 'call' on the first number and went to work.

Glimmer then turned her attention to Adora. "While he's doing that, will you please call the precinct and tell them that we need officers at my house right away?"

As much as it pained Adora to deny Glimmer at a time like this, she shook her head. "I don't think that's a good idea, Glimmer. Whoever was at her door was a detective, remember?"

A look of comprehension washed over Glimmer's face. But even though she seemed to understand what Adora was implying, her instinct to do something, anything, was doing battle with common sense. Glimmer's breath came fast and shallow as her panic deepened. "But, my mom... She needs help."

"I know, Glimmer." Adora pulled her friend into a tight, protective embrace. "And we're going to help her, I promise."

At that moment, Bow shouted for the girls to join him at the closest intersection. Adora gently guided Glimmer to the corner. All the while, Glimmer kept her eyes locked on her phone screen, which was still counting the minutes of her mother's call. Apparently it had been less than 10 minutes since what sounded like an abduction took place on the other end of the line, but to Adora, it had felt like an eternity. Every moment felt like days. The world was moving so, so slowly.

"A taxi will be here in a few minutes, Glimmer," Bow assured. "Sit tight."

But Glimmer wasn't listening to him. Instead, she held the phone close to her ear. Occasionally the sound of a car passing could be heard over the line, but that was it. No voices, no footsteps, no Angella.

"Come on, Mom," Glimmer muttered under her breath. "Come on, just let me know you're okay..."

Adora pressed her lips into a tight line and glanced at Bow. He looked just as fearful as she felt.

Headlights cut up the block to their left as a cab pulled up to the curb. The car wasn't even fully stopped when Glimmer leapt forward, yanked open the door and launched herself inside. Bow scampered in after her, followed by Adora, who was still closing the door as Glimmer shouted, "Floor it!" The cab jolted forward, slamming the door the rest of the way with its momentum.

As the car flew through the city, Adora clutched at the overhead safety handle and watched Bow pull cash first from his wallet, and then from Glimmer's. Adora felt a sting of guilt knowing she wouldn't be able to contribute. Hopefully she'd find some other way to be helpful in this nightmare.

The cabbie had them back at the Brightmoon home in record time. Bow shoved a fistful of cash in the driver's hand as the girls spilled out into the night.

"Keep the change!" Bow said before jumping out after them. The Best Friends Squad sprinted across the front lawn toward the darkened house. They skidded to a stop when they reached the steps that lead to the door. There, laying on the front stoop, they found the cordless house phone that was still connected to the call with Glimmer. Adora's heart sank into her stomach as she stared at the front door, which hung wide open like a yawning mouth.

Moving carefully, Bow crouched down to pick up the fallen phone.

"No, don't!" Glimmer cried, pulling him back up. "This is a crime scene. We should handle everything like evidence."

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