Chapter 27

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The world seemed to spin as Adora backed away from the window. Even though she knew Shadow Weaver couldn't see her, she still felt the need to put more distance between them.

She turned back to Angella, confused and disoriented. "You arrested Shadow Weaver? I thought you said you were going to talk to me about these things."

"That's Shadow Weaver?" Glimmer exclaimed, pressing closer to the glass.

"What happened to her?" Bow asked, studying the battered woman scowling in the interrogation room.

Angella shushed them again as she pulled the door closed behind her. "Trust me, Adora, I'm just as surprised as you are. She called me this afternoon and turned herself in. But no one else knows she's here, so please keep your voices down."

Glimmer turned away from the window and raised an eyebrow at her mother. "What do you mean no one knows she's here?"

"She had two conditions to her surrender," Angella explained. She folded her arms and stepped to the window, gazing through it like she was witnessing a dream. "The first was that she didn't want anyone to know that I was bringing her in. She claims that some of my officers are working for the Horde and she doesn't want word of her arrest getting back to the gang yet."

"Ugh, Mom!" Glimmer said, tossing her hands in the air. "We've been trying to tell you that you've got spies in the precinct for ages. When are you going to start trusting me?"

Angella cut her daughter a withering look. "Now isn't the time for 'I told you so', Glimmer."

"What else?" Adora asked, stepping between them. Their petty mother-daughter squabbling would have to wait. "What was the other condition of her surrender?"

Shoulders sinking, Angella sighed. "She wants to speak with you."

"Is she allowed to do that?" Glimmer sounded incredulous.

"Is that a good idea?" Bow asked. He put his hand on Adora's shoulder. "You've told us how manipulative she can be. What if this is some kind of trap?"

Adora looked back at the two-way glass. The idea of facing Shadow Weaver again filled her with dread. But if Shadow Weaver decided to turn herself into the police, there must have been a reason. Trap or not, Adora needed to know what that reason was.

"I can do this," she said, as much to assuage her friends as herself. "I know the way she works. Besides, she has no power over me anymore. If talking to her will help us take down the gang, I'll do it."

Angella hesitated, clearly conflicted. For a split-second, Adora thought the police chief was about to change her mind about the whole thing. Then, Glimmer let out a groan.

"C'mon, Mom," she said. "If you weren't going to let us talk to her you wouldn't have called us down here. Let's do this already."

"Fine," Angella relented at last. "But you two must stay here." She pointed at Glimmer and Bow.

"What?" Glimmer balked. Adora smiled and gave her friend's arm a squeeze.

"It's okay, Glimmer. Shadow Weaver probably won't say much if you were in the room anyway. Maybe you could watch through the glass and take notes?"

With a reluctant grunt, Glimmer agreed. Adora took a slow, deep breath, then turned to Angella.

"I'm ready."

Angella stuck her head out the door and waited until the coast was clear before leading Adora into the interrogation room. They had to move quickly, which meant Adora didn't have much time to brace herself. One moment she was surrounded by the love and security of her friends, the next she was face-to-face with a monster.

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