Chapter 21

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[**CONTENT WARNING** This chapter contains a scene in which characters are detained by police. Though not violent, it still may be triggering to some readers. Please see the end of the chapter for specific content warnings and take care when reading. Reader discretion is advised.]

Scorpia's car was parked a couple blocks away from the precinct. Catra ran the entire way, her long brown hair streaming behind her as she darted around people on the busy sidewalk.

"What's going on?" Scorpia called between huffs of breath. Unlike Catra, she wasn't built for speed and the running was taking its toll on her.

Catra came to a skidding stop beside Scorpia's slick red and black sports car—something that probably cost more money than Catra would ever see in her life—and glared back at her partner. "I'll explain later. Just hurry up!"

Breathless, Scorpia unlocked the car and the pair jumped inside.

"Get to the warehouse," Catra barked. "As fast as you can."

Tire squealing, Scorpia peeled away from the curb and cut into traffic. Horns and angry shouts blared in their wake, but neither of them paid it any mind. Scorpia passed other cars and took sharp turns down narrow alleys as if she were in a race. Though she would never say it out loud, Catra appreciated her enthusiasm.

"So, what happened back there?" Scorpia asked as they sped through the city. Her dark eyes scanned the street, maneuvering her vehicle with expert precision. "Who called you?"

Catra's knee bounced. She had a surplus of nervous energy and it was making her jittery. Staring straight ahead, she watched the tall buildings of downtown shrink into the crumbling district she knew so well.

"It was Shadow Weaver," Catra replied. "Something's going down at the warehouse."

"Okay," Scorpia said slowly. "What does that have to do with Adora?"

The sound of Adora's name made Catra's breath hitch. It felt like being doused with ice cold water — a shock to her system that chilled her to her core. But when the shock subsided, all that was left was white hot anger.

Rather than answering Scorpia's question, Catra pointed to a side street up ahead. "Pull in there and park somewhere. We'll walk the rest of the way."

Once parked, Catra motioned for Scorpia to keep quiet and move carefully. They darted down an alley to an old metal fire escape that crawled up the side of a building. From there, it was a short climb to the top floor. Scorpia gave Catra a boost onto the roof and then hauled herself up using her impressive upper body strength. Catra was starting to think that maybe it didn't hurt to have a partner after all.

Crouching low, Catra hurried to the side of the building and peered over the edge. The warehouse she grew up in was directly across the street, and at that moment it was crawling with police.

"Woah," Scorpia whispered. Catra jumped. She'd been so fixated on what was happening below that she didn't notice Scorpia settle in beside her. "That's a lot of cops."

Catra leaned out a little further so she could get a better look at the warehouse's main entrance. It looked as though the door had been busted off its hinges. One by one, police officers led Horde kids out into the street. Some of the kids—particularly the younger ones—looked terrified. But others weren't going down without a fight. They screamed and thrashed, spitting and shouting obscenities as they were hauled from their home and put into the back of the many cruisers on site. Catra held her breath when she saw Rogelio and Kyle emerge from the warehouse with their hands cuffed. It took two officers just to handle Rogelio and his considerable size.

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