To The Palace

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"How're you feeling, Aph? You're really quiet over there." Teony'd been talking non-stop since they started packing this morning. She was dismissed from morning training to help Aphmau prepare herself. Aphmau sucked in a deep breath, inhaling what felt like a whole layer of dust that blanketed their space.

"Nervous," Teony frowned as Aphmau peered up with a doe-eyed look. "I mean, I'm excited! Excited and nervous!"

Teony was folding a shirt as she talked. She made quick work of Aphmau's clothes, folding them neatly and tucking them into one of Aphmau's bags. "But this change will be good for you! You were always trying to get out of Brightport to explore the world, why are you holding back now?"

Aphmau was shining her chest plate and sword with care. "The messenger told me I'm getting my task once I reach the castle, but it's making me feel really unprepared! Why couldn't he just tell me when he was here?" She whined.

"Maybe it's part of a test? I don't know." Teony let out a sigh, zipping up Aphmau's bag.

She thought about how much she'd miss the dusty room she'd been staying in for a third of her life. She hated waking up at 6 am every morning to the piercing sound of pans banging against their rickety door, but the thought that hadn't crossed her mind until that day was how much worse the feeling of unfamiliarity would be. She didn't know how she would be awoken in her new castle place or wherever guards stayed. She didn't know anything at all.

Aphmau presented as a bubbly young woman with a kind demeanor and soul. Unlike other serious guards, a smile always rested on her face, bringing attention to her prominent dimples. She brought a ray of positivity to the otherwise dull academy. She'd miss the Brightport Guard Academy, but the new post would be a positive change.

Aphmau plucked up her duffle bag. It held some small sentimental possessions and just a few sets of clothes, armor, and sanitary products.

Aphmau packed in four more articles of clothing, plus a change of shoes and multiple bundles of socks. The two girls stood up together.

Teony was kind and always willing to help out someone in need. The world needed an empathetic guard such as her. The only reason she WASN'T going to the palace was that she had opted out to help new guards learn how to be guards! Teony was equally as extroverted as Aphmau, making them fantastic matches and quick friends, even when they tired each other with their overwhelming energy.

Teony latched onto Aphmau's arm with her own, leaving the room and making way for the main lobby of the guard academy. Besides the usual clutter of newcomers, the most noticeable people were the head guard of the academy, Katelyn, and Aphmau's white-haired friend with friendly emerald eyes, Travis. There was one unfamiliar person adorned with regal butler attire.

"Aphmau, this is Gene. He's taking us to the castle." Travis grinned. The two of them were told in advance (about 2 days prior, when the messenger came to say they were ordered to be guards at the castle) that they would be traveling and working together. They had no problem with the decision since they'd been sent to the academy the same year and had stayed together the whole time, nearly stuck to each other's sides like glue.

Katelyn tilted her head down to meet Aphmau's eyes. "Good luck out there, Aph. You best write to me."

Despite Katelyn being a cold, loud drill sergeant, she was a warm person and loyal friend. She and Aphmau had a bond like no other. Katelyn was a couple years older than Aphmau, but she'd gotten her out of many a sticky situation, so she felt responsible for her.

Katelyn extended her arms, rolling her eyes. "C'mere."

Aphmau flew forwards, taking in the gesture with pride. "I'll miss you dearly, Katelyn."

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