The Royal Garden

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The prince and guard made their way outside, of course, not without Aphmau asking plenty of times where they were going since Aaron didn't take even a second to explain. After a while, she just closed her mouth like she was supposed to so she could pay more attention to her surroundings. 

They soon reached a beautiful garden, blooming with flowers of all colors in the rainbow. Aphmau bent down to examine the kinds of flowers growing and in the process, held out her finger for a butterfly to land on. "What a beautiful species." She hummed.

She moved her hand up so that the insect could fly away. Aaron had sat down on the edge of the fountain that was in the middle of all of the nature. She went right ahead and sat down next to him. "This is a lovely garden, huh Princey."

"Stop calling me Princey."

"Would you rather me call you 'My King'?" Aphmau asked rather flirtatiously. She stood up, grabbing his hand and pecking the back of it. His cheeks immediately began to glow red.

"Neither! Who gave you the right to-" Aphmau bent over, laughing hysterically at his reaction.

"You're easily flustered, it's cute! I don't think you're the 'cold and mean prince,' you make yourself out to be."

Approching from the sky was a small, ocean blue wyvern. A species of dragon that was incredibly rare to come by. Very few people had them.

The blue dragon dropped a burlap bag with a note tying it shut, right into Aphmau's hands before perching on her shoulder. "Storm! Is this the chestplate? Thank you!" Storm didn't reply verbally, she just moved further up Aphmau's shoulder so that she could rest in the crook of her neck.

"H-How do you have a wyvern? They went back to their world thousands of years ago!" Aaron asked, still flustered from her actions.

"Not all of them did. Well, rephrased, not all of them could. This is Stormfly.  She's still a kid so she'll probably grow but she delivers and gets my mail. I found her egg abandoned maybe 4 years ago and took care of it until it hatched, then I took care of her so she's stayed with me since. I guess I'm kind of the only caretaker she's ever known."

"I see. Is she...friendly?"

"Oh yes! Incredibly so. She hasn't harmed a soul. Little old Storm here is just like a puppy." The small dragon perked up, staring at Aaron and wagging her tail. Aphmau held out her arm so that Storm could hop down next to the Prince. While Storm and Aaron were interacting, Aphmau was taking off her chestplate to try on her new one.

"What do you need a new chestplate for? Yours looks perfectly fine." Aaron asked, petting the Wyverns head.

"My wings weren't accessible with my other chestplate so I got a new one with technology that opens up two holes in the back that sense the magic beforehand. Speaking of which, I should test that out now." Aphmau shut her eyes, once again gritting her teeth in pain. The holes in the chestplate opened and the wings shot out. "Nice!"

"Wow...wait. Are you in pain when you do that?"

"I mean, yeah. It's not a comfortable transformation, but it's fine. I mean, these wings are huge and they're in my back most of the time, and when they come out, my back is basically opening to make room for them. The only bad part is the after affect, which is a killer headache. Sometimes when I use too much power after to long of not transforming, it drains my energy so much that I either pass out or fall asleep super fast."

"Is that why you were so hesitant to show them to the rest of my family?" Aphmau nodded. Aaron couldn't help but frown. "You are not to use your wings unless it's absolutely necessary. That's an order." Aphmau looked at the prince in shock.

"Is this the closest I'll get to you caring about me? Because I'll gladly follow your orders, Princey." He stood up, moving forward and looking down at her with a glare.

"Stop calling me Princey."

"So does that mean you'll take up my original offer and I should call you 'My King'? Pick one or the other." He crossed him arms.

"It's 'Your Highness' to you."

"So Princey it is."

"That is not what I-" Aphmau reached up, shushing him with her finger and a smirk plastered on her face. She would eventually listen to his orders and call him by 'Your Highness' but she was far too entertained to start now.

"Let me have this." She removed her hand from his mouth and held out her arm for Storm. "Come here girl. Let's look at the pretty flowers for my stamp. Do you want to help?" She asked. Aaron turned around as if she was talking to someone else, taking a moment before pointing at himself while he looked at her.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yes you, who else would I be talking to?"

"Fine, sure. The flowers in this garden are way too big for stamping a letter. Where are you planning on getting smaller ones?" The guard peeked over at the tall wall leading outside of the castle garden.

"I've never been out there. I'm not even allowed to leave the walls. I've always wanted to go and see something that isn't a castle."

"I know a place we can go if you want. Can I have permission to use my wings just to get us in and out? I promise you I won't drain myself."

"Fine. You better keep your word. How do you plan plan getting both of us over? That wall is huge." Aphmau made her wings appear again.

"When I'm in my Irene state, I top the charts in strength. Do I have permission to hold you?" Aaron sighed.

"Yes. As long as this isn't an excuse to get close to me."

"No promises, now Storm, do a fly over and see if anyone's at the place or around it, then come back and let me know." The wyvern nodded, flying away and returning about 10 minutes later, shaking her scaley head. "Nobody's there? Awesome! Are you ready to go, Princey."

"Yeah." Aphmau walked up behind him, wings expanding.

"Don't be alarmed and don't scream. Screaming will alert the other guards. I promise to keep you safe. Kay?" She wrapped her arms around his waist, poking her head over his shoulder.

"What are you-"

"Off we go!"


From inside the castle, Derek called for Kawaii~Chan, the 5th guard in the Big 8. The warrior of stealth. She typically is sent on missions with 1 or 2 other stealth guards.

Aside from that, The king was walking by a window in the palace when he saw his son being flown over the wall. The one rule his son needed to follow for his safety, he disobeyed, and his new guard was helping him. Within two minutes, the meif'wa guard was kneeling in front of King Derek.

"What mission do you need me to go on, Your Highness?"

"My son is outside of the castle walls with his guard. I need you to see what they are doing and report back to me." He was visibly angry. Kawaii~Chan was going to tell him to breathe before he popped a vain but she was more interested in her mission at hand.

She and June set out to find the guard and Prince.


The Prince's Shield- An Aarmau prince x guard AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now