For Memories

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"Morning Princey," Aphmau yawned, meeting him out on the balconies that came with their rooms.

"Morning Aphmau, don't you have to go to breakfast?"

"Nah, the cafeteria isn't opened yet. Don't YOU have to go get breakfast? Your father will make you miserable if you don't show." Aaron responded with an exhausted sigh.

"I just can't deal with him this early, not today. He'll be okay if I skip one breakfast." Aphmau stared at him dumbfounded for a moment before tapping her chin.

"Wait here!" Aphmau's wings sprouted out of her back and without a second thought, she took off. Aaron lost sight of her but not before she turned back to blow a swift kiss at him with her hand. He rolled his eyes but listened to her. She asked him to wait so he did.

After about 10 minutes, Aphmau came barreling onto his balcony, 2 plates in hand. She even snagged some orange juice for the two of them. She handed him a plate, turning to check and see if she was being followed. Once she confirmed her escape, she pushed the prince into his room, following him in and shutting the doors.

"Where the hell did you go?" He asked, peering down at the intoxicating food. He looked up only to see her bent down, catching her breath. She looked up, a wild grin gracing her face.

" us breakfast from the cafeteria!"

"So why do you look like you just escaped prison?"

"Hypothetically, if I were to say that I snuck into the kitchen and persuaded the head chef to prepare two plates for us before anyone else got in the room, would you be upset?" Aaron peered back down at the delicious smelling food, thinking about his answer carefully.

"No, not this time. I'm too hungry to care where you got it."

"Fantastic! Lets eat together!"


"Where's Aphmau?" Blaze questioned, looking towards Travis and Vlyad, her two best friends.

"Beats me. Maybe she slept in?"

Another guard turned to the group from the table beside them. "You didn't hear this from me, but apparently she snuck into the kitchen early this morning and left with two plates. She was still in her night gown too!" The guard's friend joined the conversation with more information.

"Also, the maids that serve the king directly mentioned that King Derek was super angry this morning because Prince Aaron didn't show up to Breakfast?" Travis turned to Vlyad. They both had the same thought.

"Do you think she finally seduced that prince?" Vlyad asked jokingly.

"She might've!"


A maid of Aaron's walked him to the the training grounds for the head guards. The newly training castle guards trained in a bigger area since there were quite a lot more of them. The walk wasn't long, but Aaron found himself enjoying a conversation with the maid who he often didn't talk to. "Your Majesty, If I may ask, why do you want to go to the training court?"

"Ah, I figured you'd ask. I have to fetch that odd guard of mine. We've got paperwork to do."

"I believe her and Sir Dante are dueling at the moment. The other maids, butlers, and guards love to watch their fights. I will say, I'm not a lover of fighting but it's fascinating how they move. Apprentice guards come to study their fighting techniques."

The Prince's Shield- An Aarmau prince x guard AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now