Align the Stars

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"How about I fly us to the roof instead? That will be a better stargazing spot."

"Yes..Yes, that sounds good." Aaron sighed, scratching his head in defeat. They made their way down the main stairs of the castle. The sun had almost completely set, the stars finding visibility in the dark. The lights weren't far enough up to cause light pollution so the sky was fully clear.

Aphmau stayed quiet, wrapping her arms around Aaron with care and flying them up to a flat part of the roof. She took a blanket out of a small bag she had packed before dinner so that they could lay down comfortably.

"I'm never going to get used to flying."

"Honestly, me neither. I've had these my whole life too." The were both sat down on the puffy blanket, staring up at the sky. They were silent. So silent that the prince had fallen asleep, landing his head on Aphmau's shoulder and leaning against her.

She kept him steady with her arm around his waist and her wings kept him warm. All was peaceful for an hour longer before Storm dropped by next to them. She had a letter attachment to her foot by a piece of string.

Aphmau carefully unravled the note, her eyes darting across the words.

"Prince Aaron's wedding is set for a month from now. Also, be prepared for a meeting to be called within the week."

"Oh gods...Aaron...I mean, Princey, wake up...." Aphmau shook him slightly. His eyes fluttered open quickly, immediately shooting up when he realized that he was leaning on the guard. "You're not gonna like this.."

He took the note from her head, his eyes widening. "No..." His voice came out as a mere whimper. He took a moment to take in the sky view and the air around them, trying to calm himself.

"No-No, no, no! I don't want- I don't want this!"


"I don't even know her, how am I supposed to-"

"YOUR HIGHNESS! I need you to listen to me. You need to do this for the sake of the kingdoms. It really sucks to be forced into something you don't want to do, I know. I have faith that you will bring a new era of change to the world but you need to accept these things first. Breathe with me." She took a deep breath in, motioning with her hands for him follow suit. He did, sucking in a deep breath.

They both exhaled at the same time. "Better? Now, I need to send some letters to the other 8 in the castle to ask about this meeting so how about you come to my sleeping quarters with me while I wait for more information?" He nodded his head, standing up and taking the blanket with him. He folded it carefully, looking back at his companion who was already waiting to leave.

Soon enough, they were back in Aphmau's room waiting for the responses of the guards who would also have to take part in the big 8 meeting. Storm was making her rounds with the letters. Aaron was sitting on Aphmau's bed, his nose in a book. It was one that he loved, conveniently about a forbidden love. The book was Romeo and Juliet. He took about 5 minutes to go into his own room and change into a loose white shirt and comfortable black pants.

Aphmau had gone into her bathroom to change into her night gown since she was tired and was going to sleep after she got some responses. Storm flew through the opened window, letters in her holding satchel. "Aphmau, the letters are here! Come out!"

"Oooo! Open them! I'm coming out in a second!" The guard called out. Aaron could hear shuffling from the bathroom. The door opened and Aphmau hopped onto the bed next to the Prince, peeking over his shoulder at one of the opened letters.

Aphmau was dressed in a light pink, silk nightgown. Her hair was tied into a low bun so that she could focus on just reading the letters.

 Her hair was tied into a low bun so that she could focus on just reading the letters

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Aaron took a moment to force his eyes onto the letter rather than her. "Well? Lets see the letters!" His blush only grew at the sound of her voice behind him. She looks just like a dream. His eyes darted across and down the paper as he read out the first letter, which was Lucinda's.

"Hey Aph,
I'm not sure what the meeting is about either. Why would he call for us on such short notice? I suppose we'll learn at the meeting. Also, offer His highness my sincerest apology for having to marry that wretched wench.
Yours truly

"Oh well that definitely calms my nerves. Everyone is saying she's awful and I already don't want to marry her!" Aphmau pulled the next letter from under his hand, swinging her legs onto the bed.

"Alright! This one's from Vlyad!"

"To Aphmau,
It's rare for the king to call for a big 8 castle meeting so I can't help but be nervous, but I AM quite curious. I'm gonna try and get some intel tomorrow but I have an out of castle night mission. Sleep tight, and tell Prince Aaron that wish him good luck!

They read through all of the other letters, gaining no helpful information to figure out what the guard meeting would be about. Aaron fell fully back onto the guards bed in annoyance. He looked up to see Aphmau staring down at his with a sweet smile. It soon clicked that his head had landed in her lap. She brushed through his hair, seemingly without a single care about the world around them.

His blush intensified. They made eye contact and kept it, staring in silence. "You know, I think I'd rather marry you rather as opposed to Lilian, if she's really as bad as everyone says."

"Pfft, if only. I hold much sympathy for you for what you're going to have to deal with. Who knows though, maybe she's changed and she'll make a lovely queen. Either way I'll always be here as your trusty guard."

Oh how I wish you could be more, Aaron thought.

"That's true. I suppose there's no getting rid of you."

"Damn right you're not." Aphmau chuckled, covering her mouth to yawn.

"Tired? I'll go back to room and you can get some sleep-" As Aaron was about to get up, Aphmau pulled him back down.

"No need. I need to start a book from Kawaii~Chan and you're warm. Plus, you were reading too, right? Stay a little longer." Well, he couldn't say no to her, right?

And he didn't say no. In fact, they fell asleep. The night of learning the prince was to be married within the month, they fell asleep together, in the same bed, reading books.

Aaron woke up in a panic until Aphmau reminded him that nothing happened, they just fell asleep while reading. They decided not to speak about it and went on with the next day as normal. Everything was fine. Was.

The Prince's Shield- An Aarmau prince x guard AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now