"Desicions are happening over dinner"

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3 quick days passed, the guards were awaiting the meeting that was going to be called. The king gave no warning of when the meeting would be or what the meeting would be about so they had nothing to go off of in the long run.

However, not knowing anything was mentally exhausting. The king knew this. Everything he ever did was a test.

They had left lunch about 2 hours prior and gotten to the people they needed to guard when the meeting bell rang, practically shaking the castle.

Aaron and Aphmau jumped at the sound, Aaron scribbling off of his paper and onto the table by accident. He took a nearby cloth and wiped down where he got ink on table. "By god, why is that bell so loud?" Aphmau stepped away from his chair and towards the door.

"I don't know. We could still hear it if they took it 10 notches down. Anyways, I have to go. You'll be fine here alone, right?"

"Of course I will, go now and I'll probably still be here later. It seems decisions are happening over dinner so update me when you get out." With his words, Aphmau left the room. She dashed through the hallway to get to the meeting room. She was met with Lucinda fixing up her slightly wrinkled outfit and wiping her face with her arm. She didn't look like this at lunch. Aphmau approched with a smirk.

"Making out with Princess Melissa right before a big meeting? Tsk tsk." Aphmau joked. Lucinda spun her head the other guard's way, planting a punch to her shoulder.

"Shut up! Do I look good now?" Aphmau reached up to fix her companions hair, reaching down and wiping a mark of lipstick from her face with the sleeve of her shirt.

"Yep, now you look good. Shall we go in?" When they pushed open the doors, the rest of the 8 were already there. They were just casually talking to the king and eachother while waiting.

"Sit, ladies. Shall we begin this meeting?"

"Of course." Everyone took a moment to sit, now awaiting the King's announcement.

"I called you all here today because my son is getting married and his wedding has to be perfect. We need to talk about guard posts and one more thing." He went over where he needed everyone to be. Everyone but Aphmau.

"Where should I go, Your Highness?"

"Ah yes, Aphmau. See, here's the thing. This wedding has to be perfect and with you there...well, it won't be." Aphmau's breathing hitched. The butterflies that usually stayed out in her stomach had flown up to her throat. She had a sick feeling that she knew exactly what this was about. "With that bit of information, guards, take Aphmau to the special dungeon." Two guards came up, grabbing Aphmau's arms from behind. She instantly jerked her hands away. She knew the castle guards standing in the room was off, but she didn't expect them to go after her.

"Woah woah woah! What the hell did I do?! Aye! Get your hands off off me!"

"It's too bad, I almost began to like you too." Lucinda jumped up, trying to pry the guards away from her. She didn't have her staff for the meeting, it was a no weapon zone. The guards gave her a hard shove to the side and Blaze jumped out of his chair to catch her before she hit the floor.

"You didn't even answer her question!" Travis and Dante called out the statement simultaneously. Derek slammed his hand on the table, causing them all to flinch away.

"GUARDS 2 THROUGH 7, ONLY SPEAK WHEN SPOKEN TO. I AM ONLY TALKING TO APHMAU!" They silenced immediately out of habit. Aphmau was still making noise, grunting and knocking her elbows back at the guards. They had to have been enchanted. She was stronger than this.

"I need you to tell me about your relationship with my son." Every single person shot Aphmau a look. Curiosity or disgust.

She froze in place. Her blood ran cold after catching a glimpse of the face he was making. It was one of unbridled rage. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about."

"I don't know what you THINK you're implying but I'm his guard. You should know this, you assigned my damn mission in the first place!" She snapped back. However, he pressed on. Of course he didn't believe her. If anybody could tell, it would probably be him.

"-your romantic relationship with him."

"Are you trying to say that I'm in love with him?" Aphmau spat.

"Yes Aphmau. That's exactly what I'm trying to say."

"I'm sorry to disappoint, but you're mistaken." Liar. Of course she loved him. She'd never be allowed to be with him. No matter how many times the reality of their situation ripped her heart right out of her chest, she painstakingly kept loving him. "I'm his guard, a friend even. Do you really think he would let me get so close that we became intimate?" To be fair, he definitely would. "If that's what you're think then you don't know your son!"

"I know him well enough to see that while you might not be in love with him, he is in love with you." A silence filled the room. The only sound was silverware clincking down onto the glass plates. The tension was so thick someone could cut through it with a sword. "Oh Aphmau, you've made it so easy for me to manipulate him. He cares so deeply for you. He'll bend to my every will as long as I have you on the line. When he's finally broken, I can get rid of you."

"I had no clue you were so gross, My King." Aphmau was elbowed in the back for her language, the hard knock forcing a pained squeal out of her. She let out an exasperated sigh, looking up at the two guards with a newfound smirk on her face. "This isn't your guy's fault but, you're going to put me in a cell for something I can't control so I'm going to be the most annoying bitch you've ever dealt with." The black haired woman went limp, dropping to the floor with the guards still holding onto her. She was doing the ragdoll tactic. The guards often joked about noodling away if being held captive, so this time she put it to the test.

The other members of the big 8 had to turn away to laugh, trying to hold it in due to the serious situation.

"You can come back after the wedding once we know you can't interfere."

"I wouldn't be the one interfering, you can tell that to your son though." Man, she was not making a good case dor herself. "Speaking of Princey, Travis, Vlyad." Aphmau flicked her eyes towards the door and back. The two of them nodded. It was like they could read eachothers minds.

As soon as the the guards got her up, she flopped right back down. "See you guys later!" Aphmau taunted. One of the guards finally tossed her over his shoulder and while the door to the meeting room was closing, everyone in the room watched as she rolled off of the man's shoulders and hit the floor. While it wasn't a funny time, she had knocked the wind out of herself and still couldn't stop laughing. Even the guards that had to deal with her were in hysterics. The door finally closed and the meeting was adjourned.


The Prince's Shield- An Aarmau prince x guard AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now