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Slowly but surely, a year had gone by with Aphmau in the castle. She had bonded with not only all of the guards and farmed respect from everyone she met, but she got onto the good side of everyone in the royal family. Especially Aaron. He had grown soft to her.

She was formally appointed her title in the Big 8, learning everyone else's as well. Katelyn the Fire Fist, Dante the Duel-Wielding Devil, Blaze the Bloody Wolf, Lucinda the Wicked Blizzard, KC the Silent Knight, Vlyad the Whistling Bow, Travis the Demonic Warlock, and finally, Aphmau the Pheonix. That order was also their guard numbers from 1-8.

She was proud of how far she had come. Proud of her achievements in the royal guard, with making friends, demanding respect, and so much more. There was only one problem.

Aphmau the Pheonix, the woman who people feared and looked up to, had fallen in love.

Now, this would've been okay had she not fallen in love with the one person she wasn't allowed to fall in love with. The Prince of Falcon Claw, Aaron Lycan. She would never be allowed to court him. It's the classic story of the prince having to marry a princess or someone of royalty, and that ruined Aphmau. Whenever she heard mention that he would be forced to marry within the year, her heart shattered. It just kept shattering. Each day began to pass quickly. Time was flying so fast. She didn't want this to end.

Surely his new wife wouldn't be pleased if she found him running off with his guard.

Everything was going to change, and she didn't want it to.

Alas, being a guard meant pushing aside her feelings. Maybe they could've been together in a different life, but for now she would just fufill her role until she didn't have to anymore. Until her partents were able to live comfortably. Until she could move away and travel the world. One part of her thought that maybe after he got married she would be assigned a new role and wouldn't have to stand by suffering, the other part of her screamed in agony knowing that he would never be allowed to reciprocate her feelings.

It hurt.

She broke free from her depressing train of thought and took a breath, pushing his room door open with a smile. At least I still get to see his beautiful face everyday.

She laid her eyes on the Prince through the glass of his balcony door. He was leaning over, his hand pressed against his cheek. Aphmau couldn't see his face but her guess was that he was stressed out.

"Your Highness?" He didn't even respond. Aphmau jumped up next to him, sitting on the ledge. He snapped back into reality when she waved her hand in his face with worry.

"Oh, Aphmau. Hi." He had a grim look on his face. Tears lined his bottom eyelids, one sliding down his cheek.

"Oh my God! Princey, what's wrong?" Aphmau turned him to her, wiping his tear away with her thumb.

"Her name is Lilian."

"What are you talking about?" It was the evening, 30 minutes before dinner.

"The woman I'm being forced to marry. Princess Lilian of the O'Khasian Kingdom." Aphmau's heart sunk in her chest. No no no. I thought we had more time...

"That kingdom is huge. No wonder your dad is making you marry her. Pardon my language but that princess is a stone cold bitch."

"You've met her?" Aphmau nodded.

"2 years ago she was touring Falcon Claw and came to the guard academy. Travis and I were introduced to her to escort her around the city but she was a pretentious ass. That damn woman called me and I quote, 'worth nothing and lower than dirt', and then she fucking spit on me!" The Prince looked revolted at the newly revealed Princess's past words. "Overall, 0/10 experience with her."

The Prince's Shield- An Aarmau prince x guard AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now