Two - два

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After a drive that seemed to take forever, especially with all the awkward silence, the car came to a stop. I looked up from my seat and glared at Clint. He opened the door and jumped out, waiting for me to follow. I didn't move.

"So what are you just going to sit and mope?" Clint rested his bow on his hip as he teased me.

"I can't believe you just kidnapped me and think I'm going to come willingly," I laughed and there was a pause.

The hustle and bustle of the world around us caught my eye. We were at an airport of some kind. People were running around and helicopters and planes were either fueling or taking off. Everyone was wearing their familiar S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, everyone looking serious and focused at whatever job they had as they moved about. I couldn't help but be curious as I was here again, in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Fine," I said getting out of the van and falling in step besides Clint. "Why am I here?"

Clint gave me a side glance and scoffed.

"You're the super soldier, you tell me," Clint laughed clipping his bow to his quiver of arrows. An army hummer drove past us. I remembered how Clint introduced himself to me in the van earlier, I thought he didn't remember me from my training here.

"How do you know that?"

"I read your file, little miss S.H.I.E.L.D. prodigy, and I vaguely remember being your hand to hand combat instructor," Clint waved a finger in my face. I reached up swatting it away.

"That was years ago, I'm not that person anymore," I rolled my eyes as we continued walking, into a hanger.

That's when I heard a vaguely familiar voice.

"I read the Hobbit in 1937, when it first came out," the voice came from a pair of men arguing by a plane. As Clint and I got closer, I realized it was the man I met this morning, Mr. Nakajima's friend.

"Bucky?" I asked stepping forward. He did a double take when he saw me.

"Lina?" He asked walking over to me. "What are you doing here?"

"Me? What are you doing here at S.H.I.E.L.D.?" I asked motioning to the hanger we were in. I noticed the man standing behind him to be one of the avengers whose face I'd seen plastered around New York.

"What are you doing with the Falcon?" I asked pointing behind Bucky.

"He's my partner. I'm Sam. Who might you be?" Sam asked with flirtatious smirk. Bucky snapped around to shoot Sam a death glare.

"You're not my partner," he spat. Sam took a step back putting his hands up in mock surrender. Bucky turned back to me his face expressionless.

"I'm working," was all he said before turning back to Falcon and walking away.

"Wow rude," I muttered under my breath. Sam stopped him and I watched them speak for a moment. Barton elbowed me.

"You know the soldier?" He asked nodding towards Bucky. "Old boyfriend?"

"No, he's friends with my neighbor," I said rubbing my temples. I was getting a headache from all the weirdness of today.

"Were you the ones trying to kidnap me in the masks?" I asked Clint. He shook his head.

"Masks? What did they look like?" Bucky asked, suddenly interested in what I had to say.

"Black and had red paint on them, it was dark in that alley so I'm not sure," I explained. Sam and Bucky walked over to Clint and me.

"You had a run in with the flag smashers?" Sam asked cutting into our conversation.

"Who are they?"

"A team of people who have a new string of super soldier serum. They are a group people who think that the world was better during the Blip," Sam explained to me.

"So why did they try to kidnap me, this morning?"

"They tried to kidnap you?" Bucky asked a note of concern in his voice for half a second.

"I'm fine, I got away right before Clint kidnapped me," I said nodding towards him, a sarcastic smile on Clint's face.

"Why would they want anything to do with you?" Bucky asked furrowing his eyebrows together. Sam slapped his chest.

"She's a super soldier dumbass," Clint replied with an eye roll.

Bucky's eyes turned from Sam to me as he pointed a finger at me.

"How old are you?" he asked, making me shake my head. His face began to fall from stern to concern. The look of pity he gave me beginning to make my blood boil.

"What does that matter?" I said slapping his hand away, "and would everyone please stop putting their hands in my face?"

"Never mind. Why is she here?" Sam asked Clint, who stood there with his arms crossed.

"Oh so now we'll listen to the bow and arrow guy...gentleman meet Helina Levitsky." Clint introduced me.

I watched Bucky's eyes widened and he shifted his weight from foot to foot. He looked at me, then quickly turned away looking down at the ground before looking up at Clint. He seemed visibly uncomfortable as he flexed his hands, opening and closing them into fists. I wasn't sure why he seemed so on edge

"She was training to become a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent before leaving the program and wandering around the country. We don't know how or when, but Lina here was injected with a string of super soldier serum, similar to the one Steve and Bucky here had received," Sam and Bucky looked at me and I gave them an awkward smile.

"How do you not know how you got super human abilities?" Sam laughed crossing his arms over his chest. He gave me a questioning look, almost like he didn't believe it. I stepped forward looking up at Sam.

"I was discovered by a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, who found me in an orphanage in Siberia. No one knew how I got there, they woke up one morning and found a girl in the infirmary who was covered in cuts and scratches. All I knew was my name and I kept asking for my Papa but no one found him.." my voice trailed off at the end. "I became S.H.I.E.L.D.'s darling prodigy before I left when I was 18, been wandering and keeping my head down ever since,"

"Sukin syn" Bucky muttered under his breath, turning away.

"Who are you calling a 'bitch'?" I said taking a step towards Bucky. Sam put his arm out keeping me from walking towards him.

"You speak Russian?" Sam asked.

"Prodigy remember?" I said shoving his arm off of me.

"Not a very good one, I didn't call you a 'bitch' I  said 'son of a bitch' " Bucky rolled his eyes at me.

"You're infuriating, I don't understand why Mr. Nakajima loves you so much,"

"I can say the same thing about you,"

"Okay! Okay! Get it together and will someone let me finish please!" Clint yelled clapping his hands together. We turned to look at Clint who sighed deeply pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I should've just gone waterskiing with my kids.."

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