twenty six - Двадцать шесть

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Tears were falling from my eyes as I wandered around the building looking for a way out. I dropped my bag the contents spilling out as I turned a corner. I began to pick up my clothes and boots trying to stuff them back in. My vision was cloudy and my sobs echoed through the hallway.

"Helina?" King T'Challa's voice came from above me. I looked up at him with my puffy eyes and red cheeks. He a had a look of sympathy on his face as he bent down helping me pack my bag. Once we had my bag packed, T'Challa took my hand and pulled me up.

"What is it?" He asked placing his hands on my arms. All I could do was shake my head.

"I need to go home, please," I begged T'Challa as I took quick breaths, my heart feeling like it was breaking more by the minute. He leaned his head down, looking into my eyes with a nod.

"Where is home?" he asked. It was a simple question, but my heart broke at the thought.

Bucky was home..

I shook my head trying to erase the thought from my mind. I wiped away my tears looking up at T'Challa.

"Brooklyn, New York," I said softly and T'Challa nodded. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he took my bag slinging it onto his shoulder. He guided me out of the building, holding me upright. Once we made it outside I was met with quinjet similar to the one I arrived on.

Ayo stood at the entrance to the jet with her staff in hand.

"Ayo will take you home," T'Challa said boeing his head as he motioned with his hand to Ayo. She nodded at me and I gave her a small smile before looking back at T'Challa.

"Thank you, your highness," I said bowing my head and he smiled shaking his head.

"Safe travels," He said before I stepped onto the platform, walking into the jet. Ayo shut the door behind us, before she took her spot in the pilot's seat. I stood looking out the window, looking down on T'Challa.

Then I saw him..

Bucky was running as fast as he could trying to get to the jet. T'Challa put his hand out stopping him. I could see the redness of his face from crying even as we ascended.

"I would advise you to fasten your seatbelt," Ayo's soft voice pulled me from the window.

"Yes of course.." I said buckling myself into a chair before staring down at my hands. We took off leaving Wakanda, and leaving Bucky behind.


Ayo and I never spoke during the flight to New York. She landed the jet on the roof of my apartment building and walked me out of the jet.

"Thank you," I said and she nodded.

As I turned to walk away Ayo spoke up.

"Helina, you must know that James never wanted to kill those people, kill your father," She defended James and I turned to her with a nod.

"He never meant to hurt you," She held my gaze with a look of pity on her features.

"He should've told me before I fell in love with him," I said before turning away, walking to the fire escape. I heard the engine turn on and the wind picked up around me as the jet flew off. I climbed down the escape and made it into the alleyway.

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