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We made it to Sharon's beautiful house in high town. She told us that she began working for a gallery that sold all the real paintings that were supposed to be in museums. Monet, Van Gogh, the whole lot of them.

Sam and I couldn't help but pause to look at one of the paintings, but Bucky's hand around my waist pulled me back to reality. I looked up at Buck.

"We have to move Lina," he whispered to me and I nodded. As we walked Bucky's hand never left my waist, it was comforting, and I couldn't help but lean into him as walked.

"We need to get you guys changed, I'm hosting clients in an hour. Lina, come with me, gentlemen I called ahead and had a room prepared for you down that way," she pointed down a long hallway before taking my hand, pulling me away from Bucky. I looked back at him, and saw he was looking at me as well. I shot him a wink which made him smile, before I disappeared with Sharon.


"So how long you been dating the bionic man?" Sharon asked coming into the room to give me a pair of clothes after my shower, I was blow drying my hair but stopped to hear Sharon better.

"What? We-"

"Bullshit.." Sharon trailed off, plopping into a chair on the other end of the room. I let out a laugh, moving over to the bed, touching the soft fabric of the silky tank top she brought me.

"The way he looks at you Hells, that's gotta be something," Sharon said sinking into the chair. I smiled at the thought of it all, of Bucky.

Then my brain went back to the plane today. My face scrunched in thought, I turned to look over at Sharon, she gave me a look of confusion.

"What?" she asked standing up, walking into the bathroom.

"Today on the plane here, Zemo had somehow gotten ahold of Bucky's journal.." I said, pulling on the tight black pants Sharon brought me.

"...Zemo was reading it and said my name and my neighbor's name, that sweet old man Nakajima," I pondered as I changed into the black silk tank top. Sharon poked her head around the corner handing me a pair of sleek black booties. I took them from her and she still had that same confused expression.

"What about it? Maybe he's just thinking of you.." Sharon moved her eyebrows up and down. I rolled my eyes taking out the socks she's given me and sitting on the bed.

"I don't know, Zemo said something about amends?" I thought out loud but Sharon just shook her head.

"Focus on your mission now, and enjoy the party. I'm gonna go sneak off to the boys," Sharon said opening the door.

"Thank you Sharon, for everything," I smiled at her, but my face dropped for second, "I'm sorry for never trying to find you."

Sharon shook her head, coming over to hug me. I wrapped my arms around her, giving her a tight hug.

"We both had shit going on. I'll see you in the boys room," Sharon pulled away with a smile before disappearing behind the door.

My mind drifted from Bucky to the notebook, to Zemo mentioning my name to Selby and then back to Bucky. The way he seemed to check on me, protect me was all I could think about as I put on some mascara, and made sure the rest of my hair was dry before checking myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before walking out to follow Sharon.

I stepped into the hallway, I could hear the booming echo of loud music from somewhere. I made it to the room Sharon mentioned, and knocked before opening the door, coming inside.

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