twenty eight - Двадцать восемь

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The drive to Louisiana was long but fun. It was fun to be around Sam and not be stuck in my old apartment. By the time we made it to his sister's house I was so ready to just be outside.

"Uncle Sam!" Two kids ran out to greet Sam excitedly. They wrapped their arms around him and I smiled.

"I missed you guys. Sarah come out here!," Sam called out hugging his nephews tight. Sarah stepped out onto the porch with a smile as she walked over to me.

"I'm Lina one of Sam's friends," I said offering my hand. Sarah laughed nodding her head as she shook my hand.

"Super soldier right?" She asked letting go of my hand and pointing at me.

"That would be me," I laughed and she smiled.

"Come on inside I was just making some lunch,"  I followed her inside with Sam carrying his nephews in behind me. We came inside to the kitchen and you could tell that was Sarah's element. She moved around the kitchen fixing her son's plates, she gave off the vibe of an amazing mother. Sarah had tons of sandwiches and chips that were being packed into styrofoam boxes.

"I'm making lunches for the other guys helping out on the boat today," She said handing her kids their plates as they walked to the table.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I offered and she shook her head.

"I'm pretty much done. Maybe when we load them up in the truck?" She asked and I nodded. Sam moved about the kitchen and dipped his finger in some potato salad and Sarah swatted his arm.

"Let's go fix us a boat," Sam said excitedly.


Once we got to the dock Sam and Sarah introduced me to what seemed like at least a hundred friends who were like family to them. I smiled and shook hands with everyone before we started to get to work. I had no idea what I was doing so I received a lot of heckling from everybody but I loved it. It was great to be apart of something so important. Sam finally gave me an easy job dealing with taking the railing off. I was working on the back of the boat away from the dock, pulling the old wooden railing taking it off in pieces when I heard Sam call my name.

"Hey Lina!"

"Yeah?" I called back walking over to side closer to the dock.

"Can we use your super strength to get this pallet out?" Sam asked jabbing his thumb to the back of the truck and I nodded stepping onto the dock, wiping my hands on my pants.

I moved towards the truck when I saw someone beat me to it. The pallet was lifted with ease. He turned setting it down on the ground and I realized who it was and I could feel my heart break all over again.

I stood in shock, frozen in place when Bucky turned from the pallet and threw a large suitcase onto the back of the truck. Quickly I hopped back onto the boat and hid around the back, going back to dealing with the railing. The railing seemed to be ripping off even easier now as I started to feel my anger mixing with my heartbreak.

"Hey you okay?" Sarah said poking her head out of the little room in the middle of the deck. I threw a piece of the railing a little harder than I meant to, it landing with a large thud against the deck.

"No..I mean yes. I don't know," I said shaking my head then stopping in my work to look at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked coming to stand beside me. A worried look on her face as she leaned against a stack of crates.

"Sam parent trapped us?" I asked wiping the sweat from my forehead. Sarah hesitated to answer as she shrugged, making me roll my eyes.

"He totally did," Sarah said with an apologetic smile.

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