Bloody mary part 2

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"Say Bloody Mary really is haunting this town. There's gonna be some sort of proof— a local woman who died nasty." Dean said as he adjusted his tired daughter on his hip.

"Yeah, but a legend this widespread, it's hard. I mean, there's like 50 versions of who she actually is. One story says she's a witch, another says she's a mutilated bride." Sam said. "There's a lot more."

"All right, so what are we supposed to be looking for?" Dean questioned.

"Well, every version's got things in common. It's always a woman named Mary, and she always dies in front of a mirror." Sam sighed. "So we got to search local newspapers— public records as far back as they go, see if we can find a Mary who fits the Bill."

"Well, that sounds annoying." Dean commented.

"No, it won't be so bad, as long as we—" Sam cut himself off as he looked at the library computers, seeing they all were out of order. "I take it back. This will be very annoying." He said.

Ali giggled, Sam and Dean looked at her.

"Is that funny to you?" Sam asked her.

She nodded without thinking.

"I'll show you funny." Sam said then started tickling her.

She laughed as she tried pushing him away, she hid her face in deans neck and laughed.

"No! Top it! No, Sammy!" She laughed.

Dean chuckled, as Sam stopped tickling the girl, Sam laughed a little.


Sam gasped as he woke up from his nightmare, Alison was unbothered.

Dean looked up at him.

"Why'd you let me fall asleep?" Sam questioned quietly so he wouldn't disturb his niece who was was sleeping on his chest.

"Because I'm an awesome brother. Besides, you're the one who decided to lay down with miss cuddly-pants, and you should know, that when you do that, you're probably going to fall asleep." Dean said, he rubbed his mouth with his hand and sighed. "So, what did you dream about?"

"Lollipops and candy canes." Sam said sarcastically.

Dean smirked a little.

"Yeah, sure." He said.

Sam turned his head towards his brother, since he wasn't exactly able to move his body.

"You find anything?" He asked him.

"Oh, besides a whole new level of frustration? No." Dean raised his hand. "I've looked at everything. A few local women, a Laura and a Catherine, committed suicide in front of a mirror, and a giant mirror fell on a guy named Dave. But, uh, no Mary."

Sam sighed and looked back up at the ceiling.

"Maybe we just haven't found it yet." He said.

"I've also been searching for strange deaths in the area, you know, eyeball bleeding, that sort of thing. There's nothing. Whatever's happening here, maybe it just ain't Mary." Dean said.

Sams phone started ringing causing Alison to stir a little, Sam quickly answered it not to disturb her any more.


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