Something wicked part 4

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Alison let her head fall against the pillow with a groan. She was tired, could barely stay awake.

She felt like every little ounce of energy was being jerked away from her. She hardly had energy to keep her eyes open.

"I know, munchkin, hang in there." Sam said to her as he dug his phone out of his pocket.

He dialed deans number, then put his phone to his ear as it began ringing.


"Hey, how's the kid?" Sam asked.

"He's not good. How's my kid?" Dean asked his brother.

Sam looked back at the girl.

"Not too great." Sam told him.

"That's just fantastic." Dean said sarcastically, but the worry was very noticeable in his voice. "Where are you?"

"We're at the motel, I didn't wanna bring Ali out, just gonna let her rest. I'm trying to find out as much as I can about this Striga."

"What do you got?" Dean asked.

"Well, bad news. I started with fort Douglas, around the time you said dad was there." Sam started.


As Sam continued talking to dean, Alison eyes stayed on the ceiling. She fought the urge to close them, she felt like if she did, she wasn't opening them again.

All the words Sam was saying came out as echoes to Alison. She could barely make out anything he was saying, but she did know he was talking to her father.

She wanted Dean.

She wanted Sam to give her the phone, so she could tell Dean she was okay. But she didn't really think she was okay.

At least, she didn't feel okay.

Her fingers dug into the blanket wrapped around her, she buried her face into her pillow, hoping the chills would go away, or she would have the energy to do something. Anything.

Dean hung up with Sam, after hearing that Dr. Hydaker had been around for a long time, taking care of kids.

He had been around since 1893.

In other words, hydaker was the Striga. It wasn't some old lady, it was "the doctor."

He turned to look at hydaker who was stroking ashers head, Michaels little brother.

Hydaker looked up at the lady, the kids mother, then stood up, taking her hand.

"Don't worry, your sons in good hands." He told her. "We're gonna take care of him."

He rushed past her, to Dean.

"So, what's cdc come up with so far?" He asked him.

"We're still working on a few theories, we'll let you know as soon as we do." Dean told him.

"Well, nothings more important to me than these kids." Hydaker said. "Just let me know if I can help." He brushed past dean.

"You bet."

All that ran through deans head at that moment, was how much he wanted that thing dead, and how glad he was he didn't send Alison to the hospital. And also how bad he was gonna beat that monsters ass for touching his daughter.


Dean entered the motel room, his eyes immediately going to his daughter as he started towards her.

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