Something wicked part 2

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Dean lightly bounced Alison in one arm as he held an emf detector in the other, walking around the room.

"You got anything over there?" Sam asked as he ran a blue light over the door frame.

"No, nothing." Dean stated.

"Yeah, me either." Sam turned the light off.

He moved to the window and started using the light over there. Sam opened the window and pushed the door open.

"Dean." He spoke up.

"Yeah?" Dean asked as he moved to his brother.

"You were right." Sam moved off to the side. "It's not pneumonia."

Dean furrowed his brows as he looked down at the window sill, seeing a handprint molded into the wood, the handprint was the only part of the window that was rotted.

"It's rotted." Sam stated.

Dean looked closely at it.

"What the hell leaves a handprint like that?" Sam questioned.

Deans lips parted slightly.

"Alright, you know the drill, dean."

The boy looked to his father who had cocked his shotgun.

"If anybody calls, you don't pick up. If it's me, I'll ring once, and then call back." John told him as he set his bag up on the bed. "You got that?"

"Mm-Hmm. Don't answer the phone unless it rings once, first." The boy repeated, as he had said it so many times before.

"Come on, Dude. Look alive, this stuffs important." John told him.

"I know, it's just we've gone over it like, a million times, and you know I'm not stupid." Dean stated.

"I know your not. But it only takes one mistake, you got that?" John said.

Dean hesitantly nodded.

"Alright, if I'm not back Sunday night." John started as he shoved a few other things into his bag.

"Call pastor Jim." Dean finished.

John let out a sigh as he picked his bag up.

"Lock the doors, the windows, close the shades. And most importantly..."

"Watch out for sammy." Dean turned his head to look at his little brother who was watching tv. "I know." He looked back to his father.

"Alright, and if somebody tries to bust in?" John questioned.

"Shoot first, ask questions later." Dean stated.

John placed his hand on the boys shoulder.

"That's my man."

He then turned to the door and opened it, he nodded to his son as he exited the room. Dean closed the door and locked it, as he supposed to.

His eyes trailed back to his little brother.

"I know why dad sent us here." Dean spoke up. "He's faced this thing before."

Sam furrowed his brows at him. Alison glanced between them.

"He wants us to finish the job." Dean stated as he looked down.


The impala rolled to a stop in front of a motel. Alison was dozed off in her car seat, the nightmares finally giving her a break.

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