Dead mans blood part 2

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"Most vampire lore is crap. A cross won't repel them, sunlight won't kill them, and neither will a stake to the heart. But the bloodlust, that parts true. They need fresh human blood to survive. They were once people, so you won't know it's a vampire, until it's too late." John explained.


Alison slept next to Dean in one of his shirts, and a pair of sweatpants.

Sam slept in his own bed, but John stayed up, listening to the police scanner. Once he heard what he was waiting to hear, he turned it off and got up.

"Sam." He hit his youngest sons leg, then moved to the eldest. "Dean. Alison. Let's go."

Dean grumbled a little as he rubbed his eyes, Sam sat up.

"Picked up a police call." John told them.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"A couple called 911. Found a body in the street. Cops got there, one of them was missing. It's the vampires." John said. "Alison, get up!" He raised his voice a little to wake the girl up.

"Dad, it's okay, I got her." Dean said.

"How do you know it's the vampires?" Sam asked his father.

"Just follow me, okay?" John said as he walked to the door.

Sam sighed.

Dean shook Alison a little.

"Baby, you gotta get up." He said.

"No..." Alison mumbled, pulling her blanket over her head.

Dean sighed. He pulled the blanket down, and grabbed Alisons ankles. He picked her up off the bed by her ankles, she was hanging upside down

"Son of a bitch!" She squealed.

"Hey!" Dean scolded her as he grabbed her wrist, and pulled her up the right way. "Watch yourself, young lady." He told her.

"You say it all the time!" Alison stated.

"Yeah, well, I'm not four years old." Dean stated as he fixed her on his hip, and bent down, grabbing her shoes.

"I'm tired." Alison stated, laying her head on deans shoulder.

"I know, baby." Dean sighed, grabbing his jacket, and headed out the door.


"I don't see why we couldn't have gone over with him." Sam said as John was walking back to them from the crime scene.

"Oh, don't tell me it's already starting." Dean said, Alison looked at him, then Sam.

"What's starting?" Sam asked.

"What do you got?" Dean asked John as he approached them.

"It was them, alright." John stated. "It looks like they're heading west. We'll have to double back, get around that detour."

"How can you be so sure?" Sam asked.

"Sam." Dean started, Alison looked between them.

"I just wanna know we're going the right direction." Sam said.

"We are." John said.

"How do you know?" Sam questioned him.

"I found this." John pulled something out of his jacket pocket, holding it out to them.

Dean took it, and looked at it closely. Alison tilted her head.

"It's a vampire fang." Dean said.

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