Shadow part 2

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"Sam, is that you?" Meg asked as she stood up. "Oh, my gosh!" She hugged Sam. "What are you doing here?" She asked pulling away.

"I'm just in town, visiting friends." Sam told her.

Meg looked around.

"Where are they?" She asked him.

"Oh, they're not here right now, but I— what about you, Meg? I thought you were going to California." Sam said as dean and Alison stepped up behind him.

"Oh, I did. I came, I saw, I concurred. Oh, and I met, what's his name? Something, Michael Murray at a bar." Meg said.

Alison looked at sam then Meg again.

"Who?" Sam questioned.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the whole scene got old, so I'm living here for a while." Meg said.

Dean cleared his throat.

"You're from Chicago?" Sam asked Meg, not acknowledging his family beside him.

"Massachusetts, anover." Meg stated. "Gosh, Sam! What are the odds we'd run into each other?"

"Yeah, I know! I thought I'd never see you again." Sam said.

"Well, I'm glad you were wrong." Meg said.

Dean cleared his throat again, more loudly this time.

"Dude. Cover your mouth." Meg told dean making Alison laugh.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Meg. This is um...this is my brother, Dean, and my niece, Alison." Sam finally introduced them.

"This is Dean?" Meg questioned.


"So you've heard of me?" Dean asked with a small smirk.

"Oh, yeah. Nice, the way you treat your brother like luggage." Meg said.

"Sorry?" Dean questioned as Alison looked between the three.

"Why don't you let him do what he wants to do? Stop dragging him over gods green earth." Meg told dean.

"Meg. It's alright." Sam spoke up making dean look over at him.

Dean whistled.

"Okay, awkward." Dean chuckled before his smile faded completely. "I'm gonna go get a drink now. Here." Dean handed Alison over to Sam.

"Sam, I'm sorry." Meg apologized to Sam making Alison look at her, then up at Sam. "It's just the way you told me he treats you. If it were me, I'd kill him."

Alison furrowed her brows.

"It's all right. He means well." Sam stated.

"Oh, we should hook up while you're in town. Show you a hell of a time." Meg smiled.

"You know, that sounds great, why don't you give me your number?" Sam pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"312-555-0143." Meg said as Sam put it in his phone.

"You know, I never got your last name." Sam stated.



"So, you better call." Meg told him.

"Scouts honor." Sam said.

"I hope to see you around, Sam." Meg said.

Sam smiled then turned and started walking away. Alison looked back at Meg who waved at her then turned back.

As Sam, dean, and ali were walking out, Alison spoke up.

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