Something wicked part 3

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They waited until it was late to go back to the hospital. Dean hesitated to leave Alison at the motel room by herself, but she was asleep and they would be before she woke up anyway.

That still didn't stop deans worries from poking at him every two seconds.

He had never left Alison alone in their motel room for more than ten minutes. Not even that.

He was mostly scared that she would wake up and freak out that they left her alone.

It was possible she could have a panic attack. She'd had them before.

The two men entered the hospital and started down the hallway.

"Goodnight, Dr. Hydaker." They heard making them freeze and stay behind the corner.

"Goodnight, Betty." The doctor replied.

"Try to get some sleep." The nurse told the man as he walked away.

Sam and Dean then turned back and started down the hallway again. They rounded the corner, going down the next hallway.

They stopped at room 237. Dean got out his pistol, and cocked it as Sam put his hand on the doorknob.

Sam gave his brother a look, but Dean just nudged him to open the door. So, he did.

They walked in to see the old lady Dean saw the previous day sitting in a wheelchair, facing the wall.

Dean slowly made his way around the lady, coming up beside her.

They both had their pistols aimed at her. Dean looked back at sam, and sam urged Dean on.

Dean slowly bent down a little, to see the lady more clearly.

He got really close to her. As soon as he did, she turned her head towards him making him jump back into the wall.

"Who's there?!" The woman frantically asked.

Dean placed a hand over his heart, calming himself down.

"You tryna steal my stuff?" The old woman asked as sam turned the lights on. "They're always stealing around here."

"No, uh, ma'am. We work with the maintenance, we're sorry." Sam apologized as Dean put a hand over his eyes.

"We thought you were sleeping." Sam stated.

"Ah, nonsense. I was sleeping with my peepers open." The woman scoffed then laughed.

Dean stood up straight as Sam gave him a look.

"And fix that crucifix, would you? I've asked four damn times already." The lady stated.

Dean turned to look at the upside down cross before he flipped it the right way. He turned to look at his brother.


Sam laughed as they got out of the impala.

"I was sleeping with my peepers open!" Sam laughed.

"I almost smoked that old gal, I swear." Dean shook his head. "It isn't funny."

Sam laughed.

"Ah man! You should've seen your face!" Sam said as he went to unlock their motel room door.

"Oh, yeah, laugh it off. Now, we're back to square one." Dean stated, looking over.

His eyes landed on the boy he had run into when renting their motel room. He was sitting on a bench, it looked like something was wrong.

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