Nightmare part 3

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(Okay, apparently you can watch supernatural somewhere else without paying, so thank you bvbfan24 so, so much!)

"My moms resting, she's pretty wrecked." Max told the men.

"Of course." Dean said.

"All these people kept coming with like, casseroles. I finally had to tell them all to go away. You know, 'cause nothing says I'm sorry like a tuna casserole." Max said the last part sarcastically.

Sam chuckled lightly. Max gestured for them to sit down, so they did. Alison climbed up into sams lap.

"How are you holding up?" Sam asked max.

"I'm okay."

"Your dad and your uncle were close." Sam said in a more questioning tone.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, they were brothers." Max stated. "They used to hang out all the time when I was little."

"But not lately, much?" Sam asked.

"No, it's not that. It's just we used to be neighbors when I was a kid. We lived across town in this house, and uncle Roger lived next door, so he was over all the time." Max told them.

"Right. So, how was it in that house, when you were a kid?" Sam asked as Alison started playing with his fingers.

"Fine." Max said. "Why?"

"All good memories?" Dean questioned him making Ali look at him. "You remember anything unusual? Something involving your father and your uncle, maybe?" He asked.

Max barely shook his head.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just a question." Dean told him.

Max inhaled deeply, Alison noticed he was nervous and uncomfortable.

"No, there was nothing. We were totally normal. Happy." Max said.

"Good." Dean said. "That's good. Well, you must be exhausted. We should take off." He said the last part to Sam.

"Right. Thanks." Sam said as he wrapped his arms around Alisons waist, then stood up with her.



Alison walked behind Sam and Dean as they walked to the impala.

"Nobody's family is totally normal and happy." Dean stated. "You see when he was talking about his old house?"

"He sounded scared." Sam said.

"Yeah, max isn't telling us everything." Dean said as he pulled out his clerical collar. "I say we find the old neighborhood, find out what life was really like with the millers." He said and picked Alison up to put her in the car.


After the Winchester changed their clothes, and boy was Alison excited to get that dress off, they went to visit the millers old neighborhood.

"Have you lived in the neighborhood very long?" Sam asked a man.

"Yeah, almost 20 years now. It's nice and quiet. Why, you looking to buy?" The guy asked them.

"No, actually we were just wondering if you might recall a family. They used to live right across the street, I believe." Sam said.

"Yeah, the millers. They had a little boy named max." Dean added.

"Right." Sam said.

The man nodded his head.

"Yeah, I remember them." He said. "The brother had the place next door."

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