Bugs part 2

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"You know, I've heard of killer bees, but killer beetles?" Dean questioned quietly since Ali was asleep. "What is it that could make different bugs attack?"

"Well, haunting sometimes include bug manifestations." Sam said.

"Yeah, but I didn't see any evidence of ghost activity."

"Yeah, me either."

Dean looked up.

"Maybe they're being controlled somehow you know, by something or someone." He said.

"You mean like Willard?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah, bugs instead of rats."

"There are cases of psychic connections between people and animals. Elementals, telepaths." Sam said.

"Yeah, the whole Timmy-lassie thing. Larry's kid. Got bugs for pets."



"He did try to scare the realtor with a tarantula." Sam pointed out.

"Think he's our Willard?" Dean asked.

"I don't know. Anything's possible, I guess."

Dean looked in front of them.

"Ooh, hey, pull over here." He said.

Sam did as told and pulled into a driveway.

"What are we doing here?" Sam asked.

Dean got out and closed the door, waking Alison up.

She looked ahead of them and saw dean walking to the garage door.

"It's too late to talk to anybody else." He lifted the garage door.

"We're gonna squat in an empty house?" Sam questioned.

"I wanna try the steam shower. Come on." Dean said. "Come on!" He raised his voice when Sam didn't move.

As Sam pulled in, he punched dean in the stomach. Dean closed the door behind the impala.

They all got out and Alison whined tiredly as Sam unbuckled her.

"Come on, Ali, you can sleep inside." He told her

"She's getting a bath first." Dean said.

"No!" Ali whined.

"Yes." Dean said.

"Namorrow!" She whined, she didn't want to do it tomorrow either, she was just stalling.

"No, you're taking one tonight." Dean said as Sam handed her over.


"All right, strip." Dean said as he turned around.

Ali huffed, a few minutes later, dean heard her voice.

"You tan turn wound now." She said.

Dean turned to see her in the bath, with her arms around her knees and her chin rested on top of her knees.

"There really not that bad." Dean told her as he cupped some water into his hands.

"Mm-Hmm." Ali stated.

Alison whined when dean poured the water on her head. He sighed then looked at her, he then got an idea.

"Wait a minute." Dean grabbed a bottle of shampoo and started pouring some into the girls water.

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