Chapter 2 - Bite me

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"Stupid broken elevator!" You lean against the door leading into the lounge. "Stupid stairs," pushing open the door you see Loki snap his attention to you. "Before we fight, I need a quick drink," you walk over to the fridge and chug enough water before sighing.

"Tell me, what exactly makes you so special?" The god before you stalked over, switching the scepter between his hand.

"I don't know... it could be my looks or charm," you shrug and put the water to the side.

"No, I meant power, what does a measly Midgardian have to offer?"

"Other than being lovable I think it would be the skill set I hold... the skill of ink manipulation," a small bottle was held up in your hand, oozing black glinting in the light.

"Ink? Now, that is quite the surprise."

"I'm sure," you walk down the steps as he raises his scepter. "How about we talk this out? Put the glowy thing down and I may just let you leave with a scrape or two,"

"Your threats are worthless-"

"But not lies, the god of such should be able to tell... unless he's lost his touch?" Loki narrowed his gaze before shooting a blue blast right at you—ink dropping from the pot and spilling. A wall of ink absorbed and slowed the hit as you roll out the way.

"I have lost nothing!"

"Except your temper!" Shooting two streaks of ink his way, he uses the scepter to deflect them, the liquid slicing in half before splashing on the tower floor.

"Quiet your tongue before I rip it out," Loki throws his fist at you which you catch and push back before kneeing him in the guts to which he knocks you off your feet.

"I'd like to see you try, Christmas tree," wrapping a leg around his, both his knees buckle as you bring a small dagger to his neck, trying to summon the ink into your palm.

"Give me the chance and I might just," he conjures a blade in his hand, your foot kicking the scepter away. He jumps up and slices at your arm making you cry out and strike him in the jaw with an ink blast.

As he falls back with a groan. You grab your crimson laced arm with a glare on him. "Coulson designed this suit for me... speaking of Coulson," you bring your boot to his neck making his breath hitch. "You're going to pay for what you did to him,"

"He was an idiot to think he could beat me! Just like you," Loki takes a hold of your foot before pushing you back and grabbing the scepter. Before he could point the tip at your heart you kick up, the scepter being flung away and out the shattered tower window.

"The only idiot here is you," round house kicking him back you take the dagger, Stark tech expanding the blade to his throat. "Though, I must say, you have quite a pretty face, would be a shame to ruin that so I'll aim for everywhere but there... let it be an open casket,"

"I heard your confession on the flying contraption," He smirks, leaning against the ground with his elbows propping him up.

"Not exactly a secret, is it? Shame you're a little..." you twist your finger around by your ear. "Cuckoo, ya know?"

"I'm not insane... just a god with a vision,"

"Yeah, sure," you scoff, not noticing him grab the blade until it was too late. He pulled you onto him before flipping over and bringing his own weapon to your neck, holding down your wrists.

"Don't test me,"

"Bite me," you growl, trying to gain control again.

"Oh? Is that what you want?" His grin grows. "I'd happily oblige..." slapping away the blade you switch so you were back on top.

"I'd want nothing more, but if you haven't noticed, there's a war going on,"

His gaze trailed to the fight you nudged to. "But would that stop you?" he eyed you challenging, both of you slightly out of breath.

"No," you shrug lightly as his grin grew. "Fuck it, no one's here," you murmur.

He suddenly pushes his lips against yours, taking you by surprise. Fighting back by no means, you wrapped your arms around him whilst tugging against his hair. His hands slowly makes their way over your figure, pushing the small of your back to flush your pelvis against his. A subtle laugh escaped your lips through the kiss, cupping his face softly. With a growing smile he moved his lips down along your neck, nibbling lightly and earning a muffled moan from you. Quickly pushing his lips back onto yours, you slowly grind against him-


"SHIT!" You fall back to see the whole team slightly disturbed. "Uh... hi!"

"Hi, ink pot, done yet?"

Jumping up quickly you cough. "Yup, all part of my devious plan, mhm," you nod as Nat pats your shoulder. "Fight over?"


"Cool, cool," you shift awkwardly before coughing again. Cap shook his head, removing his helmet and placing it down as Thor took out large intricate shackles.

As the sceptre was dealt with, Loki kept his gaze on you before transforming to mock Steve which made you laugh a little too loud. His eyes gazed down, lips turning up into a smile behind the muzzle before you were all ushered into the elevator.

"Sorry, sweetie!" You apologise to Hulk, pressed between Loki and a Shield Agent. "So... shawarma?"

"You read my mind," Tony clicks his fingers earning a bit of ease from the tension.



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Anyways! The artist that made the image above is so GSJSHSHSSH GOOD AT JUST MAKING ART LIKE HOLY SHHH

They are Mysiepereira on Tumblr so please go check their art out!

(I realise now that they say no reposts so I'm taking down the image and replacing it- but still go check them out!)

- Anna ❤️

Enemies: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now