Chapter 3 - Shawarma

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"Uh," Thor looked to Stark before back to the new man. "Loki will be answering to Odin himself-" he said, matter-of-factly. Loki rolls his eyes, shaking his head when turning to you.

"No, he's going to answer to us, Odin can have what's left of him," Pierce demands. "Now I'm going to need that case, it's been SHIELD property for over 70 years,"

"Yes, well, if you haven't noticed, SHIELD kinda fucked up their playtime with it," you interrupt the banter.

"Who are you?" Pierce snaps in anger.

"Apparently the smartest one out of us both," you snap back. "The tesseract is something beyond what we can handle, so let's return it to... Asgard? God, I hope I pronounced it right?" You look hopefully to Thor who puts both thumbs up supportively.

"Whoever that is, I don't care. Asgard can get the tesseract after talking to us himself," He grabs the case as you deadpan.

"Wow, I really am the smartest one out of us both," you look back to the men and nudge your thumb, "get a load of this guy."

"Miss L/n, you have no negotiation in this matter, so run along back to whatever freak show you crawled out of and let the men handle this," He straightened out his tie as you stepped back with a sigh.

Pierce seemed to declare silent victory only for you to lunge at him, Thor and Tony pulling you back quickly just as you took a hold of Mr secretary. "Handle this, you tiny dick piece of shit! I'll show you who's the real man!"

"Do you know who I am??" He backed up. Tony and Thor placed you down, the Thunder god holding your shoulder as a precaution.

"You're an asshole with over exuding toxic masculinity, so run along..." you grab your ink pot, "before I shove the scepter so far up your ass you'll be-!"


"Shawarma!" you cheer as the group follows behind. Loki dragged by Thor, face muzzled and hands cuffed. "Hey, Dan!" You wave at the store owner as you enter.

"Been here?"

"Too often, Stark, too often," You leap over the counter and hug Dan, his wrinkled face gleaming. "You okay?"

"All thanks to ya', sweetheart," he kisses you on both cheeks, wrinkled leather-hands holding your face. "For the heroes, on the house!"

"Thank you, sir," Cap smiles as you jump back over the counter and slip by Tony, taking his wallet. Loki raised a brow at you, the others seeing it too except the billionaire.

As each order was given out, even Loki got one, you walk back to Dan and hold out $200. "Y/n,"

"What? You know I love helping out," you smirk and slip the money in his pocket, moving back and putting the wallet in Tony's pocket. "Plus, Stark won't miss $200,"

"I won't- what?" Tony looks in his wallet before scowling. "Damn you,"

"Damn me indeed," you wink at the playboy before smiling at Dan. "Now... Dan, honey, baby, when does that Nephew of yours start work again?"

"Thomas? The man's just finished university, got a job in LA, told ya he was only here for summer,"

"And my heart breaks," you pout at the business owner.

"Cheer up, Y/n, plus, he's got a girl now,"

"My heart shatters, yet again stolen by a man I am to never meet again!" You collapse on the counter dramatically as the heroes snicker. "If only I had some sort of broken heart mending dessert crafted by the gods!" peaking an eye open you see him fiddle in the fridge and giving you a perfectly sliced chocolate cake.

"On the house, darl," he pats your head lightly.

"Life saver!" you kiss his cheek again before sitting down at the table.

"Thomas, huh?" Nat smirks.

"Shut up, he wasn't my type anyways, blonde-ish hair, blue eyes, meh... no offense, Capri-sun," you hum to the star spangled man. "Just wanted a sob story to get some cake as per-usual," you smile and eat your shawarma first.

"So is your type is psychotic gods?" Clint gestures to a glaring Loki.

"Maybe," you smirk as Cap chokes on his food. "God, you are such a good two-shoes, liven up! He just tried to kill us once!"

"You are... unbelievable, Y/n," Thor sighs.

"My illness is chronic, this ass is iconic,"

"Can't argue with that, your suit gives the best shaping," Tony grins, leaning forward to you jokingly.

"Have you been looking?" you copy his actions.


"Good, because you are never getting to tap this," patting his head, Loki holds back a snicker as Mr playboy billionaire scowls.

"What? Psycho Rudolph gets to kiss you and I don't??" Stark asks in more so disbelief than anything else; after all, his innuendos and suggestions are just fun in games, he's got Pepper may you add.

"Jealous," Loki coughs.

"Muzzle back on, please!" Tony pleads to which Thor complies.

"Now, how will he eat? That's a little rude, Blondie," unclasping the contraption, it fell onto the table.

"I'm not going to eat your repulsive food,"

"It's there if you change your mind, Christmas tree," you pat his cheek tauntingly before settling back.


To those who have read this oneshot you know what's coming~

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To those who have read this oneshot you know what's coming~

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- Anna ❤️

Enemies: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now