Chapter 26 - Love our enemies

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There was a small weight  on your shoulder, another holding your waist. Loki woke to feel the  position of his arms on these areas, cuddling closer without realizing it was in fact you. His head dazed, tilting to the side to catch sight of the time on instinct. It read half past 12... he didn't remember falling asleep- his focus fell from missing memories to you, the god shifted away hurriedly, sheets tangling around his legs causing him to  fall off the bed with a light thud.

Your body stretched in slight, a quiet yawn escaping you as the god held his head to peer over the mattress. Slowly his focus moved to a book situated on the night stand to his left, of course he wasn't sure why that book was there...  or why it was open.

His hand reached forward, legs lifting as he moved into the light to peer at the chapter open. In seconds it rushed back. Every. Single. Thing. Like a crash a of  high tide waves against his already pounding head.

Could you blame the shock that hit him? That all those words he wished to say, those words he heard you express and thought them all lies? Loki looked to the  closed curtains, pulling them back a little to see the New York skyline, rereading the passage.

"What the hell?" Your voice was dry and groggy. "What the- Loki??" jolting up, you saw him keep his gaze on a book.

"Y/n... do you love me?"

"What?" both hands clutched your temples as you ran the words through your head. "Yeah... of course I do, we all do-"

"Not... not platonically, Y/n," why was he asking? The book said it all but- he needed to know, from you, from your lips alone, that what he read was true and not another lie fed to him.

"What do you mean? Loki, what happened?"

"Asgard, the hill, the flowers," his grip on the book's spine tightened. "Y/n, those words- do you love me?"

The same flashes of memories hit you making your eyes widen. "Loki-"

"I need to know," the  tremble in his voice slipped through, eyes furrowed in fear and  confusion. "Do you love me? I mean truly love, not this platonic bond we  have formed over my the course of my stay. I mean the type that would make you risk it all, drop it all, forget it all like I-"

"Stop it, Loki-" Your head fell into your palms.

His breath started to deepen. "Why? Why should I stop? Is it true? Or do I truly disgust you? Does the idea of loving me- being in love with me repulse you? The idea- the fact that I want to know if you love me??"

"No! No- fuck, of course it doesn't!" you leave the bed and storm over to him frantically trying to decide what actions to take.

"Then why... why should I stop?"

"Because-!" He stopped your hands from getting any closer, clutching your wrists tight—not painfully so. "Because... then I'd know that all those years I spent  thinking about you after what happened in 2012 was not stupid. Then I'd know that those moments where I looked at you, thought of you, did wishful thinking that you somehow felt what I did was not just my brain messing with me!"

"Why would it mess with you? Why would you think I didn't??"

"Because we're not meant to love our enemies!" Silence fell, deafening.


"Not now. Not since you came back," his hold loosened so your hands dropped. "I meant when we kissed- when we first kissed, I felt something spark that I haven't for so long, that I didn't know even existed anymore," folding your arms and looking down to the floor, your feet moved inwards and out in a small nervous pattern.


"I've never had a good past with relationships... everyone kinda knows this," settling on the edge of his bed, you watched as he hesitated to follow. "Men are assholes, women are bitches, people in general are just... horrible," tears fell down your cheek, Loki not wasting a second to go to your side.

"No, no, don't cry, I'm sorry, I didn't know," his thumb wiped each one away.

"You didn't need to, it isn't important now,"

"Growth is possible when you trust those around you enough to share what hurts you, not keeping it locked away," your hand was held by him, not once did you look him in the eye. "Y/n..."

"I didn't want to fall for someone who would just hurt me again... I didn't want to fall for you and know I may never see you again, because that would hurt so much more,"

"I'm here now, Y/n, I'm not leaving, I don't want to leave, I want you to know I'm here..." air slowly filled his lungs. "And that I love you," lifting your chin up with his finger, Loki let it hold your weary head gently. "I will be there to help you like you have helped me,"


"I promise," he let you fall into his arms instantly, his chest rising with a fluttering feeling as you wished to never let go. "You don't need to say 'I love you', I understand it may be hard, but I'll be here every step of the way until you can,"

"Thank you, Loki,"

"You're very welcome, darling,"



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Anyways this is the end so-

But will have a new book coming out soon! It's like Another universe but not following the MCU timeline!

- Anna ❤️

Enemies: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now