Chapter 17 - Monster

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"Trust me, if you don't drop him I'll drop kick him," you nod to the girl who sniffles and walks back to her group. "Find him," you whisper to an ink figure which jumps and runs off.

"Murder is not permitted on these grounds," a familiar voice chuckles.

"Ironic coming from you, Lokes," you turn to see him standing with a cup of tea. "Did you enjoy today?"

"Besides your little mischief in the first session, it was nice,"

"You enjoy a good prank, snake," nudging him lightly, he held your waist softly.

"Yes, but you're just an annoying brat when you pull pranks," he whispers while smiling to a passing group of teachers.

"Thank you, your highness," you scoff as his fingers suddenly press a little more for a split second when you said 'your highness'. "Still got a royal k-?"

"Leave me alone, Flash," Peter raised his arms up to shield himself from the small cookies being thrown at him.

"Excuse me..." you leave Loki's arms and summon a ball of ink to swirl over your finger tips. "Is there a problem?"

Flash holds his latest cookie and sits up straight. "N-no, Y/n,"

"That's Miss L/n to you," you snap harshly making the boy jump.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Peter whisper yells.

"You see, Flash, Peter is like family to me, and I play COD with him a lot when the internship is slow," colour drained from the boy's face. "Plus, I never forget a name... or shitty player who uses hacks,"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were-"

"Just because I know Peter through the Stark intern, you suddenly feel the need to take back all your name calling and bullying?" Ink oozed from your belt to add to what accumulated in your hands. "Suddenly it makes it wrong to bully someone because they know an Avenger?"

"N-no, Miss-"

"So why did you just resort to doing so?" Ink started to rise over to form a mask around your eyes.

"I didn't- I'm sorry!" He whimpers. Loki was quick on his feet, running over as a few students looked smug at the payback Flash was finally getting.

"If you ever look, speak or touch Peter in some form, I swear to god I will-"

"Y/n," Loki clasped a hand over your mouth, the Ink splashing down over his knuckles. "Y/n, not here," he removed his hand and lowered it to your shoulders. "Breathe, dove, breathe." You followed his breathing pattern with a glare set on a cowering Flash. "That's it, good girl," he reassured you before looking to Peter. "Peter, please lead Mr Thompson from the scene before Y/n finishes her sentence and goes forth to execute her threats,"

"Yes, Mr Loki," Peter quickly ushered Flash away as the bully kept his eyes down on the floor to avoid eye contact. Loki pulled you out the side Gym doors as the team walked towards Peter and Flash; Ned filming from the sidelines.

The nearest empty classroom was chosen. Loki closed the door and shifted you to sit on a chair as he knelt in front of you. "Y/n, are you alright?" Why was he so worried? The same reason the team was as well. You had never pulled such an act, when you got angry the most that would happen is a taunt with ink blots chasing the victim.

Your iris had turned white behind the lingering reminiscences of the black mask, a surge of anger-fueled power flowing through and Loki could see it instantly. "I'm okay," you held your eyes shut as the spilled ink slithered back into the pots which Loki sealed shut.

"Are you sure? I'm here to talk. If you're scared or confused, I'm right here to listen," he tilted your head up to look to him. "Y/n, dove, what happened?"

"I just don't like bullies..." the blunt statement fell from your lips simply.

"I don't think anyone does," Loki pulled you into his arms which you accepted. "Do you have first hand experience?" His words were said carefully, no ill-intent at all.

"I grew up not knowing how to control this," a small spot of ink bounced on the tip of your finger. "Hell, they all laughed when I said I could control words, then they thought I was crazy when I said I could control ink in general,"

"You're not crazy, Y/n,"

"Oh, but they insisted, gave me medication, tested me and prodded needles like I was a doll, called me a monster when they saw it happen," lowering yourself further with each flash of a memory, Loki saw a look in your eyes, this information explaining your actions.

"Is that why you helped me?"

"Doing something you couldn't control and being called insane for it, being locked up for it, I couldn't just let it happen, Loki... I couldn't,"

He let his thumb rub against your knuckles which he raised to kiss comfortingly. He then moved and kissed your forehead before letting you lay closer. "I know, thank you," he closed his eyes, breathing in deeply before letting it all out. "Don't worry, you had the right idea to protect the Spiderling, but you've come so far, so don't give those quims the satisfaction to be able to call you a monster, because you're the furthest thing from that,"

"That's not true... I am a monster-"

"Don't say that, because if you call yourself, this amazing, witty, beautiful and annoying self a monster than what would that make me? You made me love my Jotun form, so you hating your abilities, the beauty you call flaws," he took your face into his hands and combed through your hair, "I don't know what to say except point out how ridiculous it is for you to see good in this," his face turned blue with crimson eyes. "And not in this," he raised a small Asgardian marble carved mirror up to your face.

You took it into your hands and held it to see you reflection. The small welled up tears in your eyes broke from their confines so they trickled against the glass.

"So, dry those eyes, hush up those false and awful thoughts, look yourself in the mirror and say an affirmation," he lifted it higher so you were face to face.

"I'm sexy as fuck," you sniffle, bursting into a small laugh as Loki sighs, shaking his head.

"At least it's a good affirmation," he hoisted you up. "Now, how about we go back out there and see what happened to Mr Thompson,"

To say the least, Flash definitely learned his lesson and was an example to students. No physical harm though, just a lot of lecturing from Cap and Tony threatening to ruin Flash's chance to get into University. 


Love a good backstory-ish

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Love a good backstory-ish

- Anna ❤️

Enemies: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now