Chapter 24 - Vavilemo

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"Thank you, this was nice," you turn to Loki who was busy wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"I'm glad you like the food, I was unsure if it really suited your taste,"

"It was perfect, trust me," slumping back against the wooden ground, you turn to the side and sit back up. "Hey, teleport us there,"

Loki tilted his head before doing so. You both stood upon the top of the slope, looking down the drop into a meadow. "What are you planning to- Y/n!" He yells in fright as your dragged him to tumble down the hill with you.

You felt both his arms hold onto your tight, flushing you against his chest to save you from harsh impact. "Woohoo!" You fling your arms around his neck, blooms grazing along your faces as tall grass tips protruded into the cotton of your clothes.

There was a large 'oof' from you both once the end had been reached. "What are you doing??" he held himself off you with a worried glance, seeing a small graze on your cheek. He immediately grabbed his handkerchief and patted it with a concerned glance.

"Having fun, jeez," you laugh, poking his face. "I'm fine, Loki," his head fell slightly, hair tickling at the sides of your face as both foreheads nearly brushed.

"Don't do that again without warning,"

"Why not? What are you going to do?"

"This," his hands clutched your waist, pulling you up onto him before his body flipped so you lent against the slight angle of the hill. All his fingers started to relentlessly tickle you until your lips trembled with pleads.

"I yield! Ah!" You crawl away as he fell back with a laugh. "You're horrible!"

"Yes, yes, I know," his head rested on both piled palms between the grass. As his eyes closed in success staying shut when there was a blockage from the moonlight onto his eyelids, he assumed you were looking from above him. "What?" He asked without looking at you.

"You're cute,"

His eyes snapped open as he saw your face upside down and inches from his. "What?"

"Cute. You're cute," you blurt out again with a furrowed face, holding your mouth. "What the fuck?"

"Are you joking?"

"I'm trying to tell you that you look like the most handsome person I've ever met- what the fuck?!"

"Y/n?" Loki watched as you crawled back in shock. "What's going on? Why are you... complimenting me? This is getting a little scary," he stood up and walked forward. "Darling, you look scared, I'll keep you safe, don't worry," he knelt down before grabbing his own mouth. "What the nines??"

"It's happening to you too! What did you do, sweetheart? No! I meant my darling! No, I did!" fighting with your lips, Loki started to frantically look around.

"Stop being so gorgeous for one second will you?!" Loki growls before pursing his lips. "This is getting better and better! No it is!"

"Loki if you don't stop this I will kiss you!"

"Perfect! I want you to!" both of you step back and rub your faces, slapping cheeks from side to side. "Damn you for being so silly and making me fall further in love with you!"

"Impossible! I love you more!"

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Loki drops to the ground trying to find some sort of hex bag on his persons before rushing and fiddling in your pockets. "Damn this!" he huffs, grabbing your arm. "I'm sorry, my love- damn!"

"I love it when you call me love, Loki- shut the fuck up!" You sing to yourself, slapping your face again.

A gust of wind passes and a woman suddenly jumps up in fright. "Loki?"

"Mother, we need you help," the god rushes over as Frigga goes to grab his hand only to retract.

"You both smell of Vavilemo, where did you go??" The queen conjured a napkin to hold against her nose and mouth.

"Don't you dare insult her! She smells just as sweet as she looks," Loki tussled his hair in anger. "Don't stop this!"

Frigga stepped back in shock before glancing to you murmuring to yourself in haste, looking up like a deer caught in headlights.

"I think Loki put a love spell on me! I can't stop expressing my love for him," you grab your heated cheeks and whimper. "Help!"

"Oh, dear," Frigga pouts with an internal smile, rushing to a shelf in the small room and taking out a leather covered index. "I thought your visit here would be less chaotic,"

"How could it be? Loki is the god of mischief which is why I fell in love with him," you huff before scrunching your face up and dropping onto a couch with a grunt.


"Thor! Dammit why did you have to bring your handsome brother back to earth??" You slam a foot down as the Avengers and prince did a double take.

"Oh don't act like it was bad! We both know it gave me the opportunity to fall in love with you properly!" Loki slammed a fist down on the table, teacup jolting a spilling a little.

"Alright what the fuck?" Cap gapes as Nat gasps.

"Language!" Tony yells. "no, but seriously, what the fuck?"

"I took her here for a date and she decided to be adorable yet again and drag us down a hill like romeo and juliet!

"Yeah, at least we can say I love you and not die a few days later, darling!" You throw a book at him which he catches without looking away from the team. "I swear to god you make me just want to kiss you sometimes!"

"Then do it!"

"Maybe I will!" You summon a wave of ink as he takes out his daggers, both of you lunge at each other before slipping and falling into an embrace with faces inches apart. "Fuck you for being so lovable,"

"Fuck you for being so perfect," he pushes you off and storms to the balcony as you slump down with a glare on his aggravated figure.

"Mother, a explanation would be needed right about now," Thor looks to the woman who was laughing her head off silently in the corner.



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Anyways I'll leave this here because it's a cliff hanger and I enjoy your suffering :D

- Anna ❤️

Enemies: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now