Chapter 4

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In the dead of night, Jack lit a candle in the hold of Queen Anne's Revenge, surrounded by the crew. Blowing out the candle, he said, "The topic, gentlemen, is mutiny. Mutiny most foul."

"Aye. I signed up to sail under Jack Sparrow, not some pretender." said Salaman, one of the crew.

"And a lady at that." Ezekiel added. Jack was going to ignore the fact that the lady was his lady, for the time being.

"And mention was failed to be made of this uncanny crew." the Cook said.

"Make my toes curl, they do." Garheng finished.

A clanking was heard beside them, and the young cabin boy, Peter, ran in with his arms full of swords. "I got 'em. All of 'em."

"Well done." the crew patted the boy on the back.

"On to it, then." Jack called to them. "Blackbeard. What are his habits?"

"Stays mostly to his cabin." Scrum said, and the men around them chorused their agreement of this statement.

"Yes, but when he comes out..."

"He don't really come out." Peter stated, interrupting Jack. The men all muttered around that statement.

"He must come out sometime." Jack said. The men all began murmuring their 'no's and 'not really's. "Any of you sail with him before?" Again, the crew all shook their heads and mumbled in denial. "Any of you seen him before?" It was like the men all chorused their answers perfectly again. Jack was having a hard time believing that he was aboard the ship he was told he was on. "Stays to his cabin, no one sailed with him, no one's seen him... Good news, gentlemen. This is not Blackbeard's ship. This is not the Queen Anne's Revenge."

"No, no. This be the Queen Anne's Revenge, right enough." Scrum stated, waving a finger at Jack.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"I've seen the name, on the back of the ship." Scrum nodded, a stupid smile on his face. Jack rolled his eyes, knowing full well that one could change the name on the back of a ship. He knew that (Y/n) could be lying to him about her joining this particular crew. He didn't know what she was capable of nowadays.

"Gentlemen, sirs, fellow conscriptees... you have been monstrously deceived." Jack told them.

"We are decepted, then?" Salaman asked.

"Yes. You've nay been informed of a destination. Death lies before us as we sail for the Fountain of Youth." All went silent as each man listen in shock of what Jack claimed. Fear overtook their eyes, and they realized that they had been pulled on a ship to their doom. "It would be a sorry plight, mates."

"Death, for certain."

"The Garden of Darkened Souls."

"Untimely our ends will be."

"Unless..." Jack broke through their shock, "...we take the ship."

Scrum drew his sword and stuck the end in the table Jack sat at, much to his surprise. "We take the ship, then! NOW!" he screamed, and ran off towards the deck.

Jack watched him curiously as he opened the door and closed it, looking to the rest of the crew who sat there in front of him. Waving his arms at them, he said, "Go on, then."

The crew all yelled and cheered, for they had begun a mutiny aboard the ship. They ran out of their little 'meeting room', taking the swords with them as they woke the rest of what remained of the crew, sleeping away in their hammocks.

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