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Jack had wanted to leave Angelica stranded on an island, but (Y/n) would not allow it, scolding him for even thinking of that. Instead, they left Angelica on the port of a town, allowing her to do what she would want to do with the remaining years of her life. The sisters had promised to never stay out of touch.

"Well, that was one adventure I'll never soon get over." Jack claimed as he took a rowboat and began paddling.

"Yeah..." (Y/n) replied, she hand under her chin as she mulled over a great many things. Jack looked at her oddly.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Jack, there's something I have to tell you." she started, and made to be closer to him. He stopped rowing the longboat for a moment as she looked him in the eye. "I'm so sorry for everything that has happened. I'm sorry we got separated. I'm sorry for my father. But most of all, I'm sorry for not telling you that I still love you when I saw you in that pub."

Jack, seizing his chance, grabbed (Y/n) by the back of her neck and drew her into a hungry kiss, leaning her backwards into the longboat. She lied down on the bottom, Jack climbing on top of her as he continued to kiss her with everything her could muster at that very moment. His overwhelming love for her filled his senses and blurred his mind as he ravaged her lips with his own.

Pulling away for a moment, he looked into her glimmering (e/c) eyes, which shinned with love. "I love you too, darling." he said, and reconnected their kiss. "You don't realize how much I was struggling not to say that aboard the Revenge." he mumbled in between their kisses.

"Jack, we need to row the boat." she laughed lightly, making Jack pull away, pouting. "Gibbs is waiting for us, remember?"

"Aye, luv. But would it hurt to be just a little late?" Jack smirked, allowing his gold and silver teeth to be seen. His raised an eyebrow in suggestion, making her widen her eyes a bit.

"Right here? In the middle of the ocean on a longboat?" she asked as she felt his hand on her thigh.

"Aye. You do realize I haven't been with another woman in two years?" Jack informed her, making her blink.

"You waited for me?" she asked softly.

"I love you, (Y/n). Of course I waited for you." he said, and began kissing her neck.

She tried to resist, but neither of them had been with someone for two years, both waiting to see their dearly beloved once more. Sighing in content, she reveled in the feeling of Jack's lips on her skin once more, loving the feeling she missed.

"Jack..." she moaned slightly when he hit the right spot.

"Marry me."

With those words, (Y/n) shot up from their session, disappointing Jack. He didn't realize the words came out of his mouth until it was too late. It was all laid out on the table now. There was no going back.

"What?" she asked, looking him in the eye.

"Well... if you want to..." he mumbled sheepishly, and she giggled lightly at this new state. She rarely saw him like this.

"The question is, do you want to?" she started, confusing him. "Commitment? One woman the rest of your life? Jack, I know I want you, but are you, a pirate, fully prepared for what comes with marriage?"

Jack knew why she was asking him this. Being who he was before, he had his way with many women many times before. Every time, he only saw it as another one time stand, something to pass the time with. But with (Y/n), he saw her as something he could keep in his life forever and never want to lose. She was different than any of the others, and Jack wanted to wake up to her beautiful face every single day.

My Jolly Sailor Bold: Captain Jack SparrowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz