Chapter 8

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Jack ran through the brush of the jungle as fast as he could so that he could find Ponce de Leon's ship, get the chalices, and get back to (Y/n)'s side. He couldn't get his mind off of their kiss from the beach. The one in the tavern was a way of getting her to reveal herself, but this one was different. This impulsive one was dangerous, deep, and desperate. It was a way he had been wanting to kiss her since he saw her once more.

His thought her broken when he tripped over a few plants. Getting back up, he slashed his sword at the plants in frustration, as if it would do something, then continued running onto the beach.

He continued until he came to a large rock archway and cliff. On the edge, he could see the remainders of a ship leaning dangerously close to falling off.

"The Santiago. Famously captained by Ponce de Leon." he said, turning to speak to someone behind him. But there was no one. "Oh. There's no one there. Right then."

It took Jack the rest of the day and part of the night to scale the large cliff side to reach Ponce de Leon's ship. He climbed aboard the rotting ship, entering through a hole in the ground, moving aside boards in his way, and glancing around the inside. It was full of treasures and jewels that any pirate could love to get his hands on. Looking at the bed, Jack saw Ponce de Leon's decaying body lying in bed, reading a map of the island, his mustache still quite evident.

"Ponce de Leon." Jack muttered, and moved to get in the ship, but a voice form the shadows cut him off.

"If forty pirates dreamt forty nights of treasure, it would not match the contents of this room." Hector Barbossa said, emerging from the dark.

Jack was filled with anger at the sight of this man. He took his love and his ship away from him. Jack was never one to really consider cold-blooded murder, but he once again found himself itching to pull his trigger at the face of Barbossa.

"You." he growled.

"You." Barbossa countered.

"No." Jack drew his sword. "You."

"I was here first. You." Barbossa stated.

"I could kill you where you stand, mate." Jack hissed. "You took (Y/n) from me, and for what? Ransom money?"

"Ye knew full well the treasures that Blackbeard possesses. In exchange for her return, I get my fair share."

"And how'd that work out for you?" Jack asked, gesturing his sword to the man's missing limb. "She trusted you. She fought by your side. And you betrayed her."

"Man's got to make a livin'." Barbossa said, smiling, until it fell from his face. "I am... sorry, Jack. She was but a means to an end. I regretted the part I played in her capture when she was taken."

"Only because you didn't get the money you were hoping for." Jack snarled.

"In the end, ye found her again, Jack. Now, why are you here?" Barbossa snapped, bringing them back to what lie at hand.

"Blackbeard sent me. Why are you?"

"Silver chalices from a royal liege."

"Oh, please." Jack said, and went to attack the man, only for the ship to tilt nearly off the edge.

"Back, back! We have to balance it out!" Barbossa shouted, ushering Jack to his original spot. "The whole ship will slide!"

"Right, then." Jack started, sheathing his sword. "What if we each choose an item of approximately equal weight?"

Jack picked up an item next to him, and the ship began to slide once more, knocking Jack and Barbossa to the sides. "Put it back! We touch nothing!" Barbossa said.

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