Chapter 9

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Barbossa and Jack quickly found the Spanish hideout, for you could see the lights of their camp from miles away. They crouched in the brush, overlooking the castle where the Spanish had taken the silver chalices.

"Jack!" he heard from behind, and Barbossa shushed whoever it was.

Jack looked beside him to see Joshamee Gibbs standing with them. He felt slightly guilty, for he had left him stranded in prison. "Gibbs, I was just on me way to break you out of jail!" Gibbs groaned, unbelieving, until Jack remembered who took the navigational charts from him. He turned to Gibbs and said, "You stole my map.", flicking him in the face.

"Right. Best be started." Barbossa said, getting up.

They started down the mountain they were on, Jack now surrounded by plenty of Navy men, due to Barbossa joining the King's Navy as a privateer. He was slightly cautious, for this many soldiers would usual end up in his death.

"What's your play, Jack?" Gibbs asked him. "Throwing in with Barbossa."

"There is a girl..." Jack started. "A female... Of the opposite sex."

"When is there not?"

"Perhaps I should say damsel."

"You're rescuing a damsel?!" Gibbs whisper-shouted in shock. "Well, there's a first."

"Well... there's two damsels. It's just that I may have caused one damsel some manner of harm many moons ago." Jack specified.

"Out with it." Gibbs ushered.

"Gibbs, this is the woman from Seville." Jack told him.

"Ah, you pretended to love her, then left her and broke her heart!" Gibbs remembered.

"Worse. I may have used her to hide my...briefly, mind you... stirrings... for the first damsel." Jack said, remembering that he had met Angelica while his mind was running with thoughts of (Y/n). He had been desperate, and Angelica had been easy to corrupt. However, it all ended horribly for him when he realized he couldn't escape the rush of emotions that came with meeting dear (Y/n).

"Stirrings?" Gibbs asked.


"What, like, feelings you mean?"

"No, no, no." Jack denied having begun falling in love with (Y/n) even then. It was true, he was in love with her now, but back then he was trying to deny all possible ways of loving someone... other than himself. "Not all the way to feelings. More like..." he tried to think of a better word, but Gibbs gave him a look. Jack's face dropped, and he said, "All right, feelings. Damn you."

"And you left her waiting in Port Royal still. All alone." Gibbs said, deducing that the 'damsel' was (Y/n). "Ooh, that's low." Jack did not respond, only giving Gibbs an annoyed look. "Now, Jack, ye have her back. What are ye going to do about it?"

"I'm not sure, Gibbs." Jack said, hiding his thoughts. The real truth was that Jack wanted to marry (Y/n) and live their pirate's life together and all that other mushy stuff. He would usually be opposed to the confinements of marriage, but when he thought about it with her, it felt like true freedom to him.

Jack walked up to Barbossa's side, who was looking out at the Spanish camp. Their torches lit up the area around them, making it easy to see exactly where everything was. "Stealth over force. I'll take it from here on account of your condition." Jack said, gesturing to the wooden limb. "You don't have termites, do you?"

"I appreciate your concern, Jack," Barbossa replied sarcastically, "but I'll be keepin' you company all the same." He turned to his companion, Groves, who Jack remembered from years before. "Hold here, Lieutenant Commander. Wait for my signal."

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