Chapter 11

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"Scrum, get me up there." (Y/n) demanded, and Scrum sighed slightly, before helping her up just as he did Jack. Reaching up her hand, the water caught her and pulled her up. Surprisingly, when she emerged, she found herself fully dry, but a beautiful sight lay before her.

A cave filled with vines and stone ruins was set out before them. Sunlight poured in from a hole in the top, shining the light upon the sanctuary. Untouched my man for years, this place had grown into one of beauty. Bird chirped above them, and in the center of the cave, up on a small patch of land surrounded by water, was a circular stone formation, a stream of water trickling from the top and into the bottom.

The Fountain of Youth

Ahead she saw Jack looking around in awe until his eyes caught hers. To him, the beauty and temptation of this garden were incomparable to her. He would have taken her in his arms right there and kissed her like he did on the beach, but Angelica, Blackbeard, and the rest of the crew emerged from the waters below.

"So beautiful." Angelica said, looking around at the sight of the Fountain.

Jack cautiously walked forward, his sword in hand, and looked closer at the sight. The skeletons of former victims lay on the grass, covered in moss. It was true, in beauty there is always pain from the past hidden. He neared the Fountain, listening to the trickle as it flowed. He reached out to touch the liquid, but Blackbeard's voice halted his movements.

"Sparrow, I'll be the first to taste those waters."

(Y/n) looked more at the sanctuary, mesmerized at the view, until a movement coming from their portal stunned her gazing. "Father." she warned, and Blackbeard turned to see the one-legged man emerging from the water. She gazed on in confusion, now seeing the man to be Hector Barbossa. She saw him now to be a part of the Royal Navy, something she never thought she would see.

"The one-legged man." her father stated, and turned to the Quartermaster for assurance. He nodded his head, and for the first time, Blackbeard felt fear for his demise.

"You brought him here." Angelica accused Jack.

"Would I do that?" he answered, gesturing to himself.

"Edward Teach!" Barbossa sauntered forward as best he could, the Navy behind him. "For crimes committed on the high seas, by the authority granted me by His Majesty the King, and with a goodly amount of personal satisfaction, I hereby place you in the custody of the court, and declare you to my prisoner."

"My trick's out, is that it?" Blackbeard asked, stepping down from the stone.

(Y/n) saw Gillette among the Navy men, and slightly moved to stand behind Jack. She didn't think he forgave her for punching him in the face three years ago. She remembered the sweet feeling she got when she did it, though.

"Such crimes do include, but are not limited to, piracy, treason, murder, torture of the most heinous sort, includin' the brutal theft of one used, twisted, hairy right leg." Barbossa listed as he drew his sword. "And the takin' of me bounty, which ye failed to pay forward for."

"You dare face this sword?" Blackbeard questioned menacingly, drawing the enchanted sword from it's sheath.

"This far away from yer ship? Aye."

"Aye. That be the cold breathe of fate I feel down my nape. But I'll have one last fight, by God! Kill 'em all!" Blackbeard shouted, and raised his sword to attack as the two crews drew their own weapons to fight.

"Whoa, whoa! Hang on a minute!" Jack interrupted, stopping the attack. Everyone looked at him in confusion. "I just- I just need to understand something." He walked down to Blackbeard and Barbossa's side, (Y/n) coming up to the edge of the island, her hand holding her sword. "Right, so, you will fight against them, they will fight against you. All on account of him wanting to kill him?" Jack asked, gesturing back and forth from between the two groups. "Where is the sense?" Scrum shrugged. "Exactly. I say, let them fight each other while we lay back, watch, have a drink, place some wagers! Ay?"

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