Chapter 6

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Looking out at the shore before them, (Y/n) saw a lighthouse on the edge of a beach. Angelica joined at her side.

"Where have you been, sister? I awoke to find you missing!" she stated.

"Nowhere." she answered.

"Were you with Sparrow, (Y/n)? You know he cannot be trusted."

"Angelica, I know Jack Sparrow better than most. I know if he can be trusted or not." she snapped, defending him. Their father's shout broke through their argument.

"All hands on deck! Set to the longboats!" Blackbeard shouted. They brought out the torches and nets to the prepared for the attack of mermaids.

Mermaids may look pretty in the eyes of men, but they were demons who dragged them to the bottom of the ocean, and ate men alive. The will of men was weak, and they would easily fall into the spell of these sea-ghouls, drawing in unwitting sailors with the sound of their voices. If they resisted, mermaids resorted to attack ships instead of luring them in.

They were some of the most dangerous creatures in the sea.

The crew brought out the nets from the boats once they reached the shore of Whitecap Bay. Their torches lit, they followed Blackbeard's orders as he shouted to them, his daughters at his side.

"Lay them out flat! No tangles. Make 'em look pretty for our dainty guests." he said as the crew laid out the nets along the beach and in the shore of the water. He gazed up at the lighthouse and added, "We're gonna need light. A lot of light." He beckoned for Jack and a few others to follow him towards the lighthouse.

Walking up the stairs in the dark of night was something that (Y/n) was not fond of. It was eerie here, the lighthouse not making it any better for her nerves. Once they reached the top, Salaman stepped up on a large contraption, and something reeked throughout the air.

"Smell that? Whale oil. Stuff burns like a miracle from God." Salaman stated as the rest of the group joined them.

"Can you make it work?" Blackbeard demanded.

"Made by the English." Salaman started, and his smile dropped a tad. "Let's not get our hopes up."

Those around began working on moving the light towards where a few boats were waiting in the water. Lifting the reflector to shine the light through the glass, the wood creaked and cracked from not being used in so long.

Jack stood to the side, looking out at the sea. His gaze then looked to the crescent moon which barely showed from the darkness of the coming new moon.

"The old moon in the arms of the new one." he heard beside him, and looked to see Angelica standing there. "First of the summer. Perfect for hunting a mermaid's tear."

"Aye." he answered shortly, and looked behind her to see (Y/n) standing with her father.

"Jack." Angelica called his attention back to her. "I do not understand your intentions with my little sister, but know this: If you hurt her like you did me all those years ago, I will not hesitate to cut you down where you stand."

Jack was surprised that Angelica was so protective of her sister. He didn't think she would be overly fond of the (h/c), given that he had, in fact, used Angelica to try to forget about (Y/n) during the year that they were separated. Hint word: try. No matter what he did, he could not remove her stunning eyes from his mind, and felt guilty over being in the arms of another woman. In the end, he left Angelica because of it.

"Now that you've had your statement, let me have mine." Jack said, turning to look at the Spanish woman. "I would never intentionally bring harm upon (Y/n), savvy?"

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