Tree climbing... now what?!

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So, They're heading to Tazuna's house, carrying an unconcsious Kakashi...

They soon arrived at a small cottage-like house, at the edge of a village.
It had gray walls, and an old wooden door which's lock, Sakura noticed, was cracked. Someone had probably broken in recently, but then, why hadn't they replaced it?
Maybe they didn't have the money or the time to do so, but Sakura doubted that was the case...
Then, maybe it was a such a usual occurrence that they didn't bother..?

Either way Sakura would have to warn Kakashi-sensei, they needed to protect their client from ALL threats.

Tazuna's daughter, Sakura learnt her name was Tsunami, ushered them inside, and led them to their rooms. There would be one for Sakura, one for the two boys and another for their sensei, who was still unconcious.

A little depressed she couldn't be in the same room as her beloved, the pink haired girl neverless thanked their host, something Naruto (and Sasuke-kun, but then, he was a man of few words, so Sakura didn't blame him) hadn't done.

After taking a long shower (weirdly, the water wasn't very hot, and Sakura had to put an end to it when the water came out freezing), she brushed her hair, something she did twice a day: everybody knew that Sasuke-kun liked girls with long and silky hair.

Just as Sakura went to check on her sensei, she bumped into the dark haired Uchiha.
Blushing, she hurried into the injured man's room, only to find Naruto bent over him.

"What are you doing?!" She whisper-yelled.

"Shhh! This is the best chance I have to see under his mask dattebayo!"

Even if under no circumstances would she ever admit it, Sakura too was quite intrigued, and curious of what was hidden under her sensei's mask.

Unfortunately, just as Naruto was about to pull down the mask, the white haired man woke up, and grabbed the boy's hand, stopping him from doing the unthinkable.
Pouting, the gennin sat down on the floor.

"How do you feel Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked innocently, internally disapointed she hadn't been able to get a peek at his face.

Kami, that sounds so wrong...

"I'm fine, thank you Sakura." He replied "I assume we are at Tazuna-san's house?" Without waiting for an answer, he continued "can you get Sasuke? I have something I want to tell all of you."

"I'll go get him." Jumping at the opportunity to be alone with her crush, Sakura rushed to the door, and bumbed, for the second time that day, into the boy in question.

"Sensei's awake." the girl informed the uchiha, doing her best not to seem flustered.
She failed.


"Ok. So, now that you're all here, I have to tell you something."Kakashi started, "I have some good news and some bad news."

"Hmmm. Good news first please" Naruto asked, still smiling.

Dear Jashin, does the guy never stop smiling?

"Ok, so, the bad news is.."

they all deadpanned

"..Zabuza's still alive."


"WHAT!!"they all yelled at the same time.

I knew! Channaro! That tracker-nin was super sus!

"How is that even possible?" Tazuna, that had entered the room not long after Sasuke, asked, bewildered.

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