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I truly do not know how to make chapters... This one will be ridiculously short, hahaha *awkward laughing*

But hey, at least there's some music?


Sakura didn't know how much time she spent their, slumped over the corpse of her friend, of her little brother, crying.

And honestly, she couldn't care less.

She sobbed, she wailed, she cursed every god, and still, he didn't open his eyes and smile, he didn't grab her hand, he didn't tell her one of his weird jokes.
He just layed there, blood leaking from his half-bandaged head, a soft smile on his face.

When she had no tears left to shed, no curses left to shout, she slowly got up.

Outside, the moon had come out, the sun had set.

They are probably worried.
She thought, not bothering to care.

She had killed a man.

She had KILLED a man, a murderer, but a man no less.
She had ended alife, it was her hand that had held the kunai.
Her hand that had driven that kunai in the yellow-eyed man's gut.

She had LET her friend be killed too.

She had stood there, useless, as her friend let his last breath, unable to do anything.

Her hands had shook, and her hands had betrayed her.

She was twice a killer.
Once by choice, the other by lack of.

And you call yourself a ninja? You cry for someone you couldn't save, and you cry for someone you killed.

You are as much guilty as the man you KILLED, even more so because you FAILED.

You were USELESS, and look where that led you?
Crying for someone you could've saved but DIDN'T.

Shaking, her fist balled, Sakura slowly stood up, her muscles screaming in pain.

Taking a deep breath, she bent down again and took the young boy's body in her arms.
He was so light, so, so light, and in the darkness of the night, Sakura could've thought he was asleep.
But the stiffness of his muscles and the coldness of his skin told her otherwise.

Taking hesitant steps, Sakura slowly
but surely walked towards the moore where she had spent so many hours with the boy.

Really, it had only been a handful of hours, less than a week, but it felt like eternity.

When she arrived, she gently lay the body on the ground, and with trembling hands she got to work.

After long, tiresome hours of digging. After broken nails and bleeding fingers, she had finished.

With infinite precautions, she gently set down the body of her friend in the makeshift grave she had spent hours digging.
She didn't feel the coldness of the wind on her face, nor did she feel the pain ofher bleeding fingers or the dampness on her cheek.
She only felt the hurt in her heart, and the hatred in her head.

She hated herself.

She was a fool, a fool and a failure, and no amount of training would change that.
She wasn't even a ninja... a poor excuse for a kunoichi..

I trust you Saku-chan, you're an amazing ninja!

Thank you!

The pink haired girl laughed bitterly, she was hearing things now.

She was about to turn around and head back to the cottage when a small light caught her eye.
One, two, ten... thousands of fireflies danced, lighting up the night sky.

Sakura smiled sadly, and looked up to the stars that shone above.

"You're the one I should thank Kaito, thank you..."

And, turning her back to the grave, she walked out of the moore, towards the little cottage surounded by the forest.

Not wanting to attract attention to herself, she used her newly learned technique and walked up the wall to the window that led to her room.

Undressing herself, she stuffed her bloody clothes in her bag and fell down on her futon, staring at the cealing.

Unable to sleep, her mind wondered back to the events that had taken place in the room.
To the yellow eyes, that had dulled has she killed the man.
To the small boy, who had smiled softly at her.
To the blood, coating her hands, to the smell of sake and salt and blood that saturated the room.

Sakura didn't notice that she was trembling, didn't notice the tiny sobs that escaped her, she was in the room, and those yellow eyes bore holes in her head, the smell of sake made it impossible to breath...

Gasping, Sakura snapped her eyes open.

She was ok, she was in Tazuna's house, it was ok...
Not ok.
Kaito... dead, her hands stained with the blood of her friends and victim.

Like teacher, like student, she thought bitterly, remembering the stories of Kakashi Friend Killer.

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